without speed (`slow' is sometimes used informally for `slowly'); "he spoke slowly"; "go easy here--the road is slippery"; "glaciers move tardily"; "please go slow so I can see the sights"
become more intense; "The debate intensified"; "His dislike for raw fish only deepened in Japan"
make more intense, stronger, or more marked; "The efforts were intensified", "Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her"; "Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness"; "This event only deepened my convictions"
make the chemically affected part of (a negative) denser or more opaque in order produce a stronger contrast between light and dark
an accumulation of jobs not done or materials not processed that are yet to be dealt with (especially unfilled customer orders for products or services)
move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way; "The temperature is going down"; "The barometer is falling"; "The curtain fell on the diva"; "Her hand went up and then fell again"