place in the earth and cover with soil; "They buried the stolen goods"
embed deeply; "She sank her fingers into the soft sand"; "He buried his head in her lap"
cover from sight; "Afghani women buried under their burkas"
place in a grave or tomb; "Stalin was buried behind the Kremlin wall on Red Square"; "The pharaohs were entombed in the pyramids"; "My grandfather was laid to rest last Sunday"
a hidden storage space (for money or provisions or weapons)
(computer science) RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage that is continually updated; used to optimize data transfers between system elements with different characteristics
one skilled in caring for young children or the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician)
try to cure by special care of treatment, of an illness or injury; "He nursed his cold with Chinese herbs"
treat carefully; "He nursed his injured back by lying in bed several hours every afternoon"; "He nursed the flowers in his garden and fertilized them regularly"
serve as a nurse; care for sick or handicapped people