Exact Match:
- express
- rapid transport of goods
- public transport consisting of a fast train or bus that makes only a few scheduled stops; "he caught the express to New York"
- mail that is distributed by a rapid and efficient system
- not tacit or implied; "her express wish"
- without unnecessary stops; "an express train"; "an express shipment"
- by express; "please send the letter express"
- articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise; "She expressed her anger"; "He uttered a curse"
- give expression to; "She showed her disappointment"
- send by rapid transport or special messenger service; "She expressed the letter to Florida"
- indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.; "Can you express this distance in kilometers?"
- manifest the effects of (a gene or genetic trait); "Many of the laboratory animals express the trait"
- Amtrak,
- Aquarius,
- Ganymede,
- Hebe,
- Hermes,
- Iris,
- Mercury,
- PP,
- Paul Revere,
- Pheidippides,
- RD,
- RFD,
- absolute,
- accurate,
- admitting no exception,
- advice,
- affect,
- affirm,
- agile,
- air,
- air-express,
- airfreight,
- airmail,
- all-out,
- allege,
- announce,
- annunciate,
- apparent,
- approve,
- argue,
- articulate,
- assert,
- assever,
- asseverate,
- attest,
- aver,
- avouch,
- avow,
- baggage train,
- be indicative of,
- be significant of,
- be symptomatic of,
- bearer,
- bespeak,
- betoken,
- bheesty,
- book post,
- brandish,
- breakneck,
- breathe,
- bring forth,
- bring forward,
- bring into view,
- bring out,
- bring to life,
- bring to notice,
- broach,
- busboy,
- by airmail,
- by cable,
- by express,
- by return mail,
- by telegraph,
- cable railroad,
- caddie,
- cargo handler,
- carrier,
- carrier pigeon,
- carter,
- categorical,
- certain,
- character,
- characterize,
- chime,
- choo-choo,
- chorus,
- circulate,
- clean-cut,
- clear,
- clear as crystal,
- clear as day,
- clear-cut,
- close,
- cog railroad,
- cog railway,
- coherent,
- come out with,
- commissionaire,
- common carrier,
- communicate,
- communication,
- communique,
- complete,
- conceive,
- concentrate,
- conclusive,
- concrete,
- connected,
- connote,
- consign,
- consistent,
- constant,
- contend,
- convey,
- conveyer,
- coolie,
- correspondence,
- couch,
- couch in terms,
- courier,
- crisp,
- crush,
- crystal-clear,
- crystalline,
- cupbearer,
- dangle,
- dashing,
- decided,
- decisive,
- declare,
- decoct,
- defined,
- definite,
- definitive,
- delicate,
- delineate,
- deliver,
- demonstrate,
- denominate,
- denote,
- depict,
- describe,
- designate,
- detailed,
- determinate,
- develop,
- different,
- differentiate,
- diplomatic courier,
- direct,
- direct mail,
- direct-mail selling,
- discernible,
- discharge,
- disclose,
- dispatch,
- display,
- distill,
- distinct,
- distinguished,
- divulge,
- double-quick,
- downright,
- drain,
- dramatize,
- draw,
- drayman,
- drop a letter,
- eagle-winged,
- el,
- electric,
- electric train,
- elevated,
- embark,
- embassy,
- embody,
- embody in words,
- emissary,
- emit,
- enact,
- entail,
- entire,
- enunciate,
- esoteric,
- especial,
- essentialize,
- estafette,
- even,
- evidence,
- evident,
- evince,
- evoke,
- exact,
- exceptional,
- exhibit,
- expedite,
- expeditious,
- expel,
- explicit,
- export,
- expose,
- expose to view,
- express train,
- expressed,
- expressman,
- extract,
- extraordinary,
- faithful,
- fast,
- final,
- fine,
- fixed,
- flat,
- flat-out,
- flaunt,
- fleet,
- flier,
- fling off,
- flourish,
- flying,
- force out,
- formularize,
- formulate,
- forward,
- fourth-class mail,
- frame,
- frank,
- freight,
- freight train,
- freighter,
- funicular,
- furnish evidence,
- galloping,
- get across,
- give,
- give evidence,
- give expression,
- give expression to,
- give indication of,
- give out with,
- give sign,
- give token,
- give tongue,
- give utterance,
- give voice,
- give words to,
- global,
- go to show,
- go-between,
- goods train,
- gun bearer,
- hair-trigger,
- halfpenny post,
- hasty,
- hauler,
- have,
- headlong,
- highlight,
- hint,
- hold,
- homing pigeon,
- hustling,
- identify,
- illuminate,
- illustrate,
- immediate,
- impart,
- implicit,
- imply,
- import,
- in posthaste,
- inappealable,
- incarnate,
- indicate,
- indisputable,
- individual,
- indubitable,
- inerrable,
- inerrant,
- infallible,
- infuse,
- inner,
- insist,
- intend,
- intended,
- intentional,
- interurban,
- intimate,
- involve,
- issue a manifesto,
- junk mail,
- lay down,
- let out,
- letter,
- letter carrier,
- letter post,
- letters,
- light of heel,
- light-footed,
- lightning express,
- limited,
- limn,
- limpid,
- lip,
- litter-bearer,
- lively,
- local,
- loud and clear,
- lucid,
- luminous,
- mail,
- mail-order selling,
- mailing list,
- maintain,
- make clear,
- make known,
- make plain,
- manifest,
- manifesto,
- mark,
- materialize,
- mathematical,
- mean,
- melt down,
- mercurial,
- message,
- message-bearer,
- messenger,
- metro,
- micrometrically precise,
- microscopic,
- milk train,
- minute,
- monorail,
- newspaper post,
- nice,
- nimble,
- nimble-footed,
- note,
- noteworthy,
- noticeable,
- nuncio,
- observable,
- obvious,
- open-and-shut,
- out-and-out,
- outline,
- outright,
- paint,
- palpable,
- parade,
- paragraph,
- parcel post,
- parliamentary,
- parliamentary train,
- particular,
- passenger train,
- patent,
- pellucid,
- perceivable,
- perceptible,
- peremptory,
- perfect,
- perform,
- personal,
- perspicuous,
- phonate,
- phrase,
- picture,
- pinpoint,
- plain,
- plain as day,
- pneumatogram,
- point to,
- porter,
- portray,
- positive,
- post,
- post day,
- postboy,
- posthaste,
- postrider,
- pour forth,
- precipitate,
- precise,
- predicate,
- premeditated,
- present,
- press out,
- private,
- proclaim,
- produce,
- profess,
- prompt,
- pronounce,
- protest,
- put,
- put about,
- put across,
- put forth,
- put in words,
- put it,
- quick,
- quick as lightning,
- quick as thought,
- rack-and-pinion railroad,
- railroad train,
- raise,
- rapid,
- rattler,
- reckless,
- redcap,
- refine,
- refined,
- registered mail,
- release,
- religious,
- religiously exact,
- remit,
- render,
- represent,
- respective,
- reveal,
- rhetorize,
- rigid,
- rigorous,
- roll out,
- rolling stock,
- round,
- runner,
- running,
- rural delivery,
- rural free delivery,
- say,
- scientific,
- scientifically exact,
- sea mail,
- seapost,
- seeable,
- self-evident,
- self-explaining,
- self-explanatory,
- send,
- send away,
- send forth,
- send off,
- set,
- set down,
- set forth,
- set out,
- several,
- severe,
- shield-bearer,
- ship,
- show,
- show forth,
- show signs of,
- shuttle,
- shuttle train,
- signalize,
- signify,
- simple,
- singular,
- sketch,
- skycap,
- snappy,
- soak,
- solipsistic,
- sound,
- spanking,
- speak,
- speak for itself,
- speak out,
- speak up,
- speak volumes,
- special,
- special delivery,
- special handling,
- specific,
- speedy,
- spell,
- spotlight,
- square,
- stand for,
- stand on,
- state,
- steep,
- stevedore,
- straight,
- straight-out,
- straightforward,
- streamliner,
- stretcher-bearer,
- strict,
- style,
- submit,
- subtle,
- subway,
- suggest,
- surface mail,
- swift,
- symbolize,
- symptomatize,
- symptomize,
- tangible,
- telegram,
- tell,
- tend to show,
- testify,
- the Water Bearer,
- throw off,
- to be seen,
- token,
- total,
- train,
- translucent,
- transmit,
- transparent,
- transpicuous,
- transporter,
- trot out,
- truck driver,
- trucker,
- true,
- tube,
- unambiguous,
- uncircumscribed,
- unconditional,
- unconditioned,
- unconfused,
- underground,
- undeviating,
- undoubting,
- unequivocal,
- unerring,
- unfold,
- unhampered,
- unhesitating,
- univocal,
- unlimited,
- unmistakable,
- unmitigated,
- unqualified,
- unquestioning,
- unreserved,
- unrestricted,
- unwaivable,
- utter,
- uttered,
- vent,
- ventilate,
- verbalize,
- visible,
- vocalize,
- voice,
- voiced,
- wagoner,
- water boy,
- water carrier,
- wave,
- way train,
- well-defined,
- whisper,
- whole,
- winged,
- without exception,
- without reserve,
- word,
- wring,
- wring out,
- write