a form of capital punishment; victim is suspended by the neck from a gallows or gibbet until dead; "in those days the hanging of criminals was a public entertainment"
decoration that is hung (as a tapestry) on a wall or over a window; "the cold castle walls were covered with hangings"
a successful attempt at scoring; "the winning goal came with less than a minute left to play"
game equipment consisting of the place toward which players of a game try to advance a ball or puck in order to score points
the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it; "the ends justify the means"
(of undissolved particles in a fluid) supported or kept from sinking or falling by buoyancy and without apparent attachment; "suspended matter such as silt or mud..."; "dust particles suspended in the air"; "droplets in suspension in a gas"
not giving satisfaction; "shops should take back unsatisfactory goods"; "her performance proved to be unsatisfactory"; "life is becoming increasingly unsatifactory"; "our discussion was very unsatisfactory"
approaching a particular destination; a coming closer; a narrowing of a gap; "the ship's rapid rate of closing gave them little time to avoid a collision"
final or ending; "the closing stages of the election"; "the closing weeks of the year"; "the closing scene of the film"; "closing remarks"
strictly limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase; "the restrictive clause in `Each made a list of the books that had influenced him' limits the books on the list to only those particular ones defined by the clause"
a state of extreme (usually irremediable) ruin and misfortune; "lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system"; "his policies were a disaster"