Exact Match:
- figure
- a predetermined set of movements in dancing or skating; "she made the best score on compulsory figures"
- a model of a bodily form (especially of a person); "he made a figure of Santa Claus"
- the impression produced by a person; "he cut a fine figure"; "a heroic figure"
- a unitary percept having structure and coherence that is the object of attention and that stands out against a ground
- a diagram or picture illustrating textual material; "the area covered can be seen from Figure 2"
- an amount of money expressed numerically; "a figure of $17 was suggested"
- a combination of points and lines and planes that form a visible palpable shape
- understand; "He didn't figure her"
- be or play a part of or in; "Elections figure prominently in every government program"; "How do the elections figure in the current pattern of internal politics?"
- Aristotelian sorites,
- Establishment,
- Goclenian sorites,
- Platonic body,
- Platonic form,
- Platonic idea,
- VIP,
- accept,
- acclaim,
- acknowledge,
- act,
- acute-angled triangle,
- add,
- adornment,
- adumbrate,
- advert to,
- aesthetic form,
- algebraize,
- allude to,
- amount,
- anacrusis,
- anatomy,
- angle,
- apparition,
- appear,
- appearance,
- appraise,
- appreciate,
- archetype,
- aroma,
- arrange,
- art form,
- asiaticism,
- aspect,
- assess,
- assume,
- attribute,
- background,
- background detail,
- badge,
- baron,
- bass passage,
- be conspicuous,
- be demonstrable,
- be featured,
- be irrefutable,
- be logical,
- be reasonable,
- be somebody,
- be something,
- be taken as,
- bead,
- beauties,
- bejewel,
- believe,
- beribbon,
- bespangle,
- big gun,
- big man,
- big name,
- bigwig,
- binary digit,
- bit,
- blazon,
- block out,
- blueprint,
- bod,
- body,
- body forth,
- body-build,
- bones,
- bourdon,
- brand,
- brass,
- brass hat,
- bravura,
- bridge,
- brilliancy,
- brouillon,
- build,
- burden,
- bust,
- cachet,
- cadence,
- calculate,
- call,
- carcass,
- cartoon,
- carve,
- carving,
- cast,
- catch on to,
- categorical syllogism,
- celebrity,
- character,
- characteristic,
- charge,
- chart,
- chassis,
- chisel,
- chorus,
- cipher,
- class,
- clay,
- clod,
- coda,
- colors,
- colors of rhetoric,
- compute,
- concede,
- concert,
- conclude,
- configuration,
- conformation,
- consider,
- constellation,
- contour,
- contrive,
- copy,
- corpus,
- cost,
- count,
- count on,
- create,
- cube,
- cuboid,
- cusp,
- cut,
- cut a dash,
- cut a figure,
- cut out,
- cynosure,
- damage,
- daring,
- dash,
- decagon,
- decipher,
- decoration,
- decorative composition,
- decorative style,
- delineation,
- demonstrate,
- demonstration,
- denominate,
- denote,
- design,
- designate,
- detail,
- determine,
- development,
- device,
- devise,
- diagram,
- diamond,
- differentia,
- differential,
- dig,
- digit,
- dignitary,
- dignity,
- dilemma,
- display,
- distinctive feature,
- divide,
- division,
- dodecagon,
- dodecahedron,
- doll,
- dolly,
- dope out,
- draft,
- dramatics,
- drawing,
- dummy,
- earmark,
- ebauche,
- eclat,
- effect,
- effigy,
- efform,
- eidolon,
- elder,
- elegant variation,
- elevation,
- embellishment,
- emblem,
- emblematize,
- embody,
- embroidery,
- engrave,
- enthymeme,
- enumerate,
- equilateral triangle,
- esquisse,
- estimate,
- etalage,
- euphuism,
- evaluate,
- exemplify,
- exhibition,
- exhibitionism,
- expenditure,
- expense,
- exposition,
- extract roots,
- facet,
- false front,
- false image,
- fame,
- famousness,
- fanfaronade,
- fantasy,
- fantoccini,
- fashion,
- father,
- fathom,
- feather,
- feature,
- features,
- figuration,
- figurative language,
- figurativeness,
- figure in,
- figure of speech,
- figure on,
- figure out,
- figure up,
- figure-ground,
- figurehead,
- figurine,
- filigree,
- fine writing,
- finger,
- fix,
- flag,
- flair,
- flaunt,
- flaunting,
- flavor,
- flesh,
- floridity,
- floridness,
- flounce,
- flourish,
- flower,
- floweriness,
- flowers of speech,
- flowery style,
- foil,
- folderol,
- folk hero,
- foot,
- force,
- forecast,
- foreground detail,
- foreshadow,
- forge,
- form,
- form an estimate,
- formalize,
- format,
- formation,
- found,
- foursquare,
- frame,
- framework,
- frill,
- galaxy,
- garland,
- gauge,
- gem,
- genre,
- gestalt,
- get,
- gingerbread man,
- give an appreciation,
- gleam,
- glitter,
- glory,
- glow,
- gnomon,
- graph,
- grasp,
- great man,
- ground plan,
- guess,
- guise,
- gust,
- hallmark,
- harmonic close,
- heptagon,
- hero,
- heroine,
- hew,
- hexagon,
- hexahedron,
- histrionics,
- hold good,
- hold water,
- house plan,
- hulk,
- human being,
- hypercube,
- ichnography,
- icon,
- icosahedron,
- idiocrasy,
- idiosyncrasy,
- idol,
- idolum,
- illuminate,
- illustrate,
- illustration,
- image,
- imagery,
- imagine,
- imago,
- immortal,
- impersonate,
- important person,
- impress,
- impression,
- incarnate,
- index,
- individual,
- individualism,
- inner form,
- integer,
- intend,
- interests,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- interpret,
- introductory phrase,
- isosceles triangle,
- jewel,
- judge,
- keynote,
- knead,
- knock out,
- kudos,
- lay figure,
- lay out,
- lay plans,
- layout,
- leader,
- leitmotiv,
- lick into shape,
- light,
- likeness,
- lineaments,
- lines,
- lion,
- live,
- look,
- lords of creation,
- luminaries,
- luminary,
- lushness,
- luxuriance,
- magnate,
- main features,
- make,
- make a figure,
- make a projection,
- make a splash,
- make allowance for,
- make an estimation,
- make arrangements,
- make sense,
- makeup,
- man of mark,
- man of straw,
- manifestation,
- manikin,
- mannequin,
- manner,
- manner of speaking,
- mannerism,
- marionette,
- mark,
- marking,
- master spirit,
- material body,
- matrix,
- measure,
- metaphorize,
- methodize,
- mint,
- mirage,
- mirror,
- modality,
- mode,
- model,
- modus tollens,
- mogul,
- mold,
- monument,
- mood,
- motif,
- motive,
- mould,
- movement,
- multiply,
- musical phrase,
- musical sentence,
- nabob,
- name,
- national style,
- nature,
- nonliterality,
- nonliteralness,
- notability,
- notable,
- notation,
- notoriety,
- notoriousness,
- number,
- numeral,
- numerate,
- numero,
- oblong,
- obtuse-angled triangle,
- octagon,
- octahedron,
- odor,
- organize,
- ornament,
- ornamental motif,
- ornamentation,
- outline,
- oxygon,
- pageant,
- pageantry,
- paint,
- panjandrum,
- parade,
- parallelepiped,
- parallelogram,
- paralogism,
- part,
- participate,
- particularity,
- passage,
- pattern,
- peculiarity,
- pentagon,
- pentahedron,
- perceive,
- period,
- period style,
- person,
- person of note,
- person of renown,
- personage,
- personality,
- personalize,
- personate,
- personify,
- phantasm,
- phantasma,
- phantasmagoria,
- phantom,
- phase,
- phasis,
- phasm,
- phenomenon,
- phrase,
- physical body,
- physique,
- pick out,
- picture,
- pillar of society,
- plan,
- plan ahead,
- plan on,
- plate,
- pleiad,
- plot,
- plume,
- point at,
- point out,
- point to,
- polygon,
- polyhedron,
- pop hero,
- popular hero,
- popular idol,
- popularity,
- portrait bust,
- power,
- power elite,
- prearrange,
- prefigure,
- presence,
- presume,
- pretypify,
- price,
- price tag,
- prism,
- prismoid,
- prize,
- profile,
- program,
- project,
- projection,
- property,
- prosyllogism,
- prototype,
- pseudosyllogism,
- public figure,
- publicity,
- puppet,
- purple passage,
- purple patches,
- put faith in,
- pyramid,
- quadrangle,
- quadrant,
- quadrature,
- quadrilateral,
- quality,
- quirk,
- rank,
- rate,
- rationalize,
- realize,
- reckon,
- reclame,
- recognition,
- rectangle,
- refer to,
- reference,
- reflect,
- refrain,
- regard,
- relief,
- renown,
- repeated figure,
- report,
- representation,
- reputation,
- repute,
- resolution,
- resolve,
- respect,
- response,
- rhombohedron,
- rhomboid,
- rhombus,
- ribbon,
- ritornello,
- rough,
- rough out,
- roughcast,
- roughhew,
- rule,
- rule of deduction,
- ruling circle,
- sachem,
- savor,
- scarecrow,
- schedule,
- schematize,
- score,
- sculpt,
- sculpture,
- seal,
- section,
- see,
- seeming,
- select,
- semblance,
- set,
- set up,
- settle,
- shade,
- shadow,
- shadow forth,
- sham,
- shape,
- shapes,
- shine,
- show,
- showing-off,
- side,
- sign,
- significant form,
- silhouette,
- similize,
- simulacrum,
- singularity,
- skeleton,
- sketch,
- slant,
- smack,
- snowman,
- social lion,
- solve,
- soma,
- somebody,
- something,
- sorites,
- spangle,
- specialty,
- specify,
- spectacle,
- specter,
- splash,
- splurge,
- square,
- staginess,
- stamp,
- stand for,
- stand to reason,
- stanza,
- star,
- statement,
- statuary,
- statue,
- statuette,
- stigmatize,
- strain,
- structure,
- style,
- subject,
- subtract,
- sum,
- summate,
- superstar,
- suppose,
- syllogism,
- symbol,
- symbolize,
- systematize,
- tab,
- table,
- tailor,
- tailpiece,
- taint,
- take,
- take account of,
- take into account,
- take into consideration,
- tally,
- tang,
- taste,
- tetragon,
- tetragram,
- tetrahedron,
- the bubble reputation,
- the great,
- the top,
- theatrics,
- theme,
- thermoform,
- think,
- tinsel,
- token,
- top brass,
- top people,
- torso,
- tot,
- tot up,
- total,
- total effect,
- tote,
- touch,
- tournure,
- trait,
- translate,
- trapeze,
- trapezium,
- trapezoid,
- triangle,
- trick,
- trilateral,
- trope,
- trunk,
- trust in,
- turn,
- turn of expression,
- tutti,
- tutti passage,
- twig,
- twist,
- tycoon,
- type,
- typify,
- understand,
- valuate,
- value,
- variation,
- vaunt,
- verse,
- very important person,
- view,
- viewpoint,
- vision,
- vogue,
- waking dream,
- wax figure,
- waxwork,
- way of speaking,
- whole number,
- wildest dream,
- wise,
- wood carving,
- work,
- work out,
- work up,
- working drawing,
- worthy,
- wraith,
- wreathe