Exact Match:
- follower
- a person who accepts the leadership of another
- someone who travels behind or pursues another
- Christian,
- God-fearing man,
- accepter,
- addict,
- adherent,
- adherents,
- admirer,
- adorer,
- advocate,
- aficionado,
- amateur,
- amorist,
- apostle,
- appendage,
- apprentice,
- attendance,
- attendant,
- believer,
- body of retainers,
- bodyguard,
- booster,
- bootlicker,
- buff,
- catechumen,
- cavaliere servente,
- chaser,
- church,
- churchgoer,
- churchite,
- churchman,
- class,
- cog,
- cohort,
- collector,
- commonality,
- commonalty,
- communicant,
- communion,
- confession,
- convert,
- cortege,
- court,
- courtier,
- creature,
- daily communicant,
- dangler,
- denomination,
- dependent,
- devotee,
- devotionalist,
- dilettante,
- disciple,
- disciples,
- dummy,
- enthusiast,
- entourage,
- faith,
- fan,
- fanatic,
- fancier,
- feudatory,
- figurehead,
- flunky,
- followers,
- following,
- freak,
- gillie,
- good Christian,
- goon,
- groupie,
- habitue,
- hanger-on,
- heeler,
- henchman,
- hoi polloi,
- homager,
- homme de cour,
- hunter,
- idolater,
- idolizer,
- infatuate,
- inferior,
- ism,
- jackal,
- junior,
- lackey,
- lickspittle,
- liege,
- liege man,
- lightweight,
- lover,
- lower class,
- lower orders,
- man,
- masses,
- minion,
- myrmidon,
- neophyte,
- order,
- paramour,
- parasite,
- partisan,
- pawn,
- peon,
- persuasion,
- pietist,
- promoter,
- proponent,
- proselyte,
- public,
- pupil,
- puppet,
- pursuant,
- pursuer,
- pursuivant,
- quester,
- receiver,
- religionist,
- retainer,
- retinue,
- rooter,
- rout,
- saint,
- satellite,
- school,
- second fiddle,
- secondary,
- sect,
- sectary,
- seeker,
- serf,
- servant,
- shadow,
- slave,
- stooge,
- student,
- subaltern,
- subordinate,
- successor,
- suite,
- suitor,
- supporter,
- sycophant,
- tagtail,
- tail,
- theist,
- third stringer,
- thug,
- toady,
- train,
- trainbearer,
- truster,
- underling,
- understrapper,
- vassal,
- votary,
- ward heeler,
- wooer,
- worshiper,
- yeoman,
- yes-man,
- zealot