the sensation produced by low temperatures; "he shivered from the cold"; "the cold helped clear his head"
a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs); "will they never find a cure for the common cold?"
lacking the warmth of life; "cold in his grave"
of a seeker; far from the object sought
unconscious from a blow or shock or intoxication; "the boxer was out cold"; "pass out cold"
feeling or showing no enthusiasm; "a cold audience"; "a cold response to the new play"
having lost freshness through passage of time; "a cold trail"; "dogs attempting to catch a cold scent"
used of physical coldness; having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g. ice or refrigeration; "a cold climate"; "a cold room"; "dinner has gotten cold"; "cold fingers"; "if you are cold, turn up the heat"; "a cold beer"
extended meanings; especially of psychological coldness; without human warmth or emotion; "a cold unfriendly nod"; "a cold and unaffectionate person"; "a cold impersonal manner"; "cold logic"; "the concert left me cold"
without compunction or human feeling; "in cold blood"; "cold-blooded killing"; "insensate destruction"
sexually unresponsive; "was cold to his advances"; "a frigid woman"
so intense as to be almost uncontrollable; "cold fury gripped him"
no longer new; uninteresting; "cold (or stale) news"
marked by errorless familiarity; "had her lines cold before rehearsals started"
(color) giving no sensation of warmth; "a cold bluish grey"
(of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves; "a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay"; "the quiet waters of a lagoon"; "a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky"; "a smooth channel crossing"; "scarcely a ripple on the still water"; "unruffled water"
having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy; "some economists are disdainful of their colleagues in other social disciplines"; "haughty aristocrats"; "his lordly manners were offensive"; "walked with a prideful swagger"; "very sniffy about breaches of etiquette"; "his mother eyed my clothes with a supercilious air"; "a more swaggering mood than usual"- W.L.Shirer
a lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter; "he threw a rock at me"
(figurative) someone who is strong and stable and dependable; "he was her rock during the crisis"; "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church"--Gospel According to Matthew
United States gynecologist and devout Catholic who conducted the first clinical trials of the oral contraceptive pill (1890-1984)
material consisting of the aggregate of minerals like those making up the Earth's crust; "that mountain is solid rock"; "stone is abundant in New England and there are many quarries"
move back and forth or sideways; "the ship was rocking"; "the tall building swayed"; "She rocked back and forth on her feet"
cause to move back and forth; "rock the cradle"; "rock the baby"; "the wind swayed the trees gently"
lacking in interest or care or feeling; "the average unconcerned that his or her plight is the result of a complex of personal and economic and governmental actions...beyond the normal citizen's comprehension and control"; "blithely unconcerned about his friend's plight"
not occupied or engaged with; "readers unconcerned with style"
easy in mind; not worried; "the prisoner seems entirely unconcerned as to the outcome of the examination"
the quality of being at a refreshingly low temperature; "the cool of early morning"
marked by calm self-control (especially in trying circumstances); unemotional; "play it cool"; "keep cool"; "stayed coolheaded in the crisis"; "the most nerveless winner in the history of the tournament"
fashionable and attractive at the time; often skilled or socially adept; "he's a cool dude"; "that's cool"; "Mary's dress is really cool"; "it's not cool to arrive at a party too early"
(used of a number or sum) without exaggeration or qualification; "a cool million bucks"
neither warm nor very cold; giving relief from heat; "a cool autumn day"; "a cool room"; "cool summer dresses"; "cool drinks"; "a cool breeze"
psychologically cool and unenthusiastic; unfriendly or unresponsive or showing dislike; "relations were cool and polite"; "a cool reception"; "cool to the idea of higher taxes"
(color) inducing the impression of coolness; used especially of greens and blues and violets; "cool greens and blues and violets"
loose heat; "The air cooled considerably after the thunderstorm"
form a queue, form a line, stand in line; "Customers lined up in front of the store"
get something or somebody for a specific purpose; "I found this gadget that will serve as a bottle opener"; "I got hold of these tools to fix our plumbing"; "The chairman got hold of a secretary on Friday night to type the urgent letter"