Exact Match:
- involution
- the action of enfolding something
- a long and intricate and complicated grammatical construction
- reduction in size of an organ or part (as in the return of the uterus to normal size after childbirth)
- absorption,
- addition,
- ambages,
- anfractuosity,
- approximation,
- circuitousness,
- circumambages,
- circumbendibus,
- circumlocution,
- circumvolution,
- comedown,
- complexity,
- complexness,
- complication,
- convolution,
- crabbedness,
- crinkle,
- crinkling,
- debasement,
- decadence,
- decadency,
- declension,
- declination,
- decline,
- deformation,
- degeneracy,
- degenerateness,
- degeneration,
- degradation,
- demotion,
- depravation,
- depravedness,
- depreciation,
- derogation,
- descent,
- deterioration,
- devolution,
- differentiation,
- division,
- downtrend,
- downturn,
- downward mobility,
- downward trend,
- drop,
- dying,
- ebb,
- effeteness,
- embarrassment,
- engagement,
- enmeshment,
- entanglement,
- equation,
- evolution,
- extrapolation,
- fading,
- failing,
- failure,
- failure of nerve,
- fall,
- falling-off,
- flexuosity,
- flexuousness,
- implication,
- inclusion,
- integration,
- interpolation,
- intorsion,
- intricacy,
- intricateness,
- inversion,
- involvement,
- lapse,
- loss of tone,
- meander,
- meandering,
- multiplication,
- notation,
- perplexity,
- practice,
- proportion,
- ramification,
- reduction,
- regression,
- relation,
- retrocession,
- retrogradation,
- retrogression,
- rivulation,
- sinuation,
- sinuosity,
- sinuousness,
- slinkiness,
- slippage,
- slump,
- snakiness,
- subtlety,
- subtraction,
- tanglement,
- technicality,
- torsion,
- tortility,
- tortuosity,
- tortuousness,
- transformation,
- turning,
- twisting,
- undulation,
- wane,
- wave,
- waving,
- winding