Exact Match:
- magician
- someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience
- Circe,
- Merlin,
- Prospero,
- ace,
- airiness,
- appearance,
- artist,
- artiste,
- belly dancer,
- burlesque queen,
- charmer,
- chorine,
- chorus boy,
- chorus girl,
- conjurer,
- conjuror,
- coryphee,
- crackerjack,
- dancer,
- dancing girl,
- delusiveness,
- diabolist,
- diviner,
- ecdysiast,
- enchanter,
- enchantress,
- entertainer,
- escamoteur,
- exorciser,
- exorcist,
- exotic dancer,
- fallaciousness,
- false appearance,
- false light,
- false show,
- falseness,
- female impersonator,
- first-rater,
- fortune-teller,
- geisha,
- geisha girl,
- genius,
- good hand,
- great,
- guisard,
- guiser,
- hoofer,
- idealization,
- illusionism,
- illusionist,
- illusiveness,
- immateriality,
- impersonator,
- juggler,
- mage,
- magian,
- magic,
- magic act,
- magic show,
- magus,
- mahatma,
- man of genius,
- marvel,
- master,
- master hand,
- mastermind,
- medicine man,
- medium,
- miracle-worker,
- mountebank,
- mummer,
- musician,
- nautch girl,
- necromancer,
- past master,
- peeler,
- performer,
- practiced hand,
- prestidigitation,
- prestidigitator,
- prodigy,
- prophet,
- public entertainer,
- sage,
- satanist,
- seeming,
- seer,
- semblance,
- shaman,
- show,
- show girl,
- simulacrum,
- singer,
- skilled hand,
- sleight of hand,
- sleight-of-hand performer,
- soothsayer,
- sorcerer,
- sorceress,
- sorcery,
- specious appearance,
- star,
- stripper,
- stripteaser,
- stripteuse,
- superstar,
- thaumaturge,
- thaumaturgist,
- theurgist,
- topnotcher,
- tricker,
- trickster,
- unactuality,
- unreality,
- unsubstantiality,
- vaudevillian,
- vaudevillist,
- virtuoso,
- voodoo,
- voodooist,
- warlock,
- whiz,
- witch,
- wizard