Exact Match:
- mainspring
- the most important spring in a mechanical device (especially a clock or watch); as it uncoils it drives the mechanism
- ambition,
- aspiration,
- basis,
- calling,
- cause,
- consideration,
- font,
- fount,
- fountain,
- fountainhead,
- goal,
- ground,
- guiding light,
- guiding star,
- headspring,
- headstream,
- headwater,
- ideal,
- inspiration,
- intention,
- lodestar,
- matter,
- mine,
- motive,
- principle,
- quarry,
- reason,
- riverhead,
- sake,
- score,
- source,
- spring,
- springhead,
- ulterior motive,
- vocation,
- well,
- wellhead,
- wellspring