an appearance that has been spoiled or is misshapen; "there were distinguishing disfigurements on the suspect's back"; "suffering from facial disfiguration"
the act of escaping physically; "he made his escape from the mental hospital"; "the canary escaped from its cage"; "his flight was an indication of his guilt"
a means or way of escaping; "hard work was his escape from worry"; "they installed a second hatch as an escape"; "their escape route"
an avoidance of danger or difficulty; "that was a narrow escape"
an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy; "romantic novels were her escape from the stress of daily life"; "his alcohol problem was a form of escapism"
the unwanted discharge of a fluid from some container; "they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipe"; "he had to clean up the leak"
a plant originally cultivated but now growing wild
issue or leak, as from a small opening; "Gas escaped into the bedroom"
run away from confinement; "The convicted murderer escaped from a high security prison"
remove oneself from a familiar environment, usually for pleasure or diversion; "We escaped to our summer house for a few days"; "The president of the company never manages to get away during the summer"
open land usually with peaty soil covered with heather and bracken and moss
one of the Muslim people of north Africa; of mixed Arab and Berber descent; converted to Islam in the 8th century; conqueror of Spain in the 8th century
secure with cables or ropes; "moor the boat"
come into or dock at a wharf; "the big ship wharfed in the evening"
secure in or as if in a berth or dock; "tie up the boat"
of or on the left; "a sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer"; "a sinistral flatfish lies with the left eye uppermost"
preferring to use left foot or hand or eye; "sinistral individuals exhibit dominance of the left hand and eye"