Israeli statesman (born in Russia) who (as prime minister of Israel) negotiated a peace treaty with Anwar Sadat (then the president of Egypt) (1913-1992)
set in motion, cause to start; "The U.S. started a war in the Middle East"; "The Iraqis began hostilities"; "begin a new chapter in your life"
begin to speak or say; "Now listen, friends," he began
begin to speak, understand, read, and write a language; "She began Russian at an early age"; "We started French in fourth grade"
achieve or accomplish in the least degree, usually used in the negative; "This economic measure doesn't even begin to deal with the problem of inflation"; "You cannot even begin to understand the problem we had to deal with during the war"
begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object; "begin a cigar"; "She started the soup while it was still hot"; "We started physics in 10th grade"
have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense; "The DMZ begins right over the hill"; "The second movement begins after the Allegro"; "Prices for these homes start at $250,000"
have a beginning characterized in some specified way; "The novel begins with a murder"; "My property begins with the three maple trees"; "Her day begins with a workout"; "The semester begins with a convocation ceremony"
have a beginning, of a temporal event; "WW II began in 1939 when Hitler marched into Poland"; "The company's Asia tour begins next month"
be the first item or point, constitute the beginning or start, come first in a series; "The number `one' begins the sequence"; "A terrible murder begins the novel"; "The convocation ceremony officially begins the semester"
a summons that commands the appearance of a party at a proceeding
an official award (as for bravery or service) usually given as formal public statement
a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage; "the student's essay failed to list several important citations"; "the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book"; "the article includes mention of similar clinical cases"
(law) the act of citing (as of spoken words or written passages or legal precedents etc.)
(baseball) a pitch that the batter swings at and misses, or that the batter hits into foul territory, or that the batter does not swing at but the umpire judges to be in the area over home plate and between the batter's knees and shoulders; "this pitcher throws more strikes than balls"
a score in tenpins: knocking down all ten with the first ball; "he finished with three strikes in the tenth frame"
an attack that is intended to seize or inflict damage on or destroy an objective; "the strike was scheduled to begin at dawn"
a group's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions; "the strike lasted more than a month before it was settled"
cause to form (an electric arc) between electrodes of an arc lamp; "strike an arc"
arrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighing; "strike a balance"; "strike a bargain"
indicate (a certain time) by striking; "The clock struck midnight"; "Just when I entered, the clock struck"
make a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a target; "The Germans struck Poland on Sept. 1, 1939"; "We must strike the enemy's oil fields"; "in the fifth inning, the Giants struck, sending three runners home to win the game 5 to 2"
produce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instruments, also metaphorically; "The pianist strikes a middle C"; "strike `z' on the keyboard"; "her comments struck a sour note"
pierce with force; "The bullet struck her thigh"; "The icy wind struck through our coats"
deliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weapon; "The teacher struck the child"; "the opponent refused to strike"; "The boxer struck the attacker dead"
remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line; "Please strike this remark from the record"; "scratch that remark"
produce by ignition or a blow; "strike fire from the flintstone"; "strike a match"
stop work in order to press demands; "The auto workers are striking for higher wages"; "The employees walked out when their demand for better benefits was not met"
address with continuously or persistently, as if with a barrage; "The speaker was barraged by an angry audience"; "The governor was bombarded with requests to grant a pardon to the convicted killer"
throw bombs at or attack with bombs; "The Americans bombed Dresden"