so frightened as to be unable to move; stunned or paralyzed with terror; "petrified with fear"; "she was petrified by the eerie sound"; "too numb with fear to move"
appealing to or using the intellect; "satire is an intellectual weapon"; "intellectual workers engaged in creative literary or artistic or scientific labor"; "has tremendous intellectual sympathy for oppressed people"; "coldly intellectual"; "sort of the intellectual type"; "intellectual literature"
of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind; "intellectual problems"; "the triumph of the rational over the animal side of man"
of or relating to the intellect; "his intellectual career"
(Greek mythology) a beautiful princess loved by Cupid who visited her at night and told her she must not try to see him; became the personification of the soul
a semivowel produced with the tongue near the palate (like the initial sound in the English word `yeast')
produced with the front of the tongue near or touching the hard palate (as `y') or with the blade of the tongue near the hard palate (as `ch' in `chin' or `j' in `gin')
relating to or lying near the palate; "palatal index"; "the palatine tonsils"
indulging in or influenced by fancy; "a fanciful mind"; "all the notional vagaries of childhood"
having a curiously intricate quality; "a fanciful pattern with intertwined vines and flowers"
not based on fact; dubious; "the falsehood about some fanciful secret treaties"- F.D.Roosevelt; "a small child's imaginary friends"; "her imagined fame"; "to create a notional world for oneself"