make a request or demand for something to somebody; "She asked him for a loan"
consider obligatory; request and expect; "We require our secretary to be on time"; "Aren't we asking too much of these children?"; "I expect my students to arrive in time for their lessons"
inquire about; "I asked about their special today"; "He had to ask directions several times"
direct or put; seek an answer to; "ask a question"
address a question to and expect an answer from; "Ask your teacher about trigonometry"; "The children asked me about their dead grandmother"
require or ask for as a price or condition; "He is asking $200 for the table"; "The kidnappers are asking a million dollars in return for the release of their hostage"
notify, usually in advance; "I warned you that I would ask some difficult questions"
ask to go away; "The old man warned the children off his property"
notify of danger, potential harm, or risk; "The director warned him that he might be fired"; "The doctor warned me about the dangers of smoking"
admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior; "I warned him not to go too far"; "I warn you against false assumptions"; "She warned him to be quiet"
the area around the eastern Mediterranean; from Turkey to northern Africa and eastward to Iran; the site of such ancient civilizations as Phoenicia and Babylon and Egypt and the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity and Islam; had continuous economic and political turmoil in the 20th century; "the Middle East is the cradle of Western civilization"
(pharmacology) a book containing a compilation of pharmaceutical products with their formulas and methods of preparation; "postexposure prophylaxis is an integral part of the pharmacopeia in preventing severe disease after acute infections"
a building where young people receive education; "the school was built in 1932"; "he walked to school every morning"
the process of being formally educated at a school; "what will you do when you finish school?"
a large group of fish; "a school of small glittering fish swam by"
a body of creative artists or writers or thinkers linked by a similar style or by similar teachers; "the Venetian school of painting"
an educational institution; "the school was founded in 1900"
an educational institution's faculty and students; "the school keeps parents informed"; "the whole school turned out for the game"
the period of instruction in a school; the time period when schools is in session; "stay after school"; "he didn't miss a single day of school"; "when the school day was done we would walk home together"
swim in or form a large group of fish; "A cluster of schooling fish was attracted to the bait"
educate in or as if in a school; "The children are schooled at great cost to their parents in private institutions"