a statistical relation between two or more variables such that systematic changes in the value of one variable are accompanied by systematic changes in the other
a means or agency by which something is expressed or communicated; "the voice of the law"; "the Times is not the voice of New York"; "conservatism has many voices"
the distinctive quality or pitch or condition of a person's speech; "A shrill voice sounded behind us"
the ability to speak; "he lost his voice"
the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract; "a singer takes good care of his voice"; "the giraffe cannot make any vocalizations"
something suggestive of speech in being a medium of expression; "the wee small voice of conscience"; "the voice of experience"; "he said his voices told him to do it"
a sound suggestive of a vocal utterance; "the noisy voice of the waterfall"; "the incessant voices of the artillery"
(metonymy) a singer; "he wanted to hear trained voices sing it"
(linguistics) the grammatical relation (active or passive) of the grammatical subject of a verb to the action that the verb denotes
of leaves etc; growing in pairs on either side of a stem; "opposite leaves"
altogether different in nature or quality or significance; "the medicine's effect was opposite to that intended"; "it is said that opposite characters make a union happiest"- Charles Reade
the other one of a complementary pair; "the opposite sex"; "the two chess kings are set up on squares of opposite colors"
being directly across from each other; facing; "And I on the opposite shore will be, ready to ride and spread the alarm"- Longfellow; "we lived on opposite sides of the street"; "at opposite poles"
moving or facing away from each other; "looking in opposite directions"; "they went in opposite directions"
pronounce judgment on; "They labeled him unfit to work here"
speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way; "She pronounces French words in a funny way"; "I cannot say `zip wire'"; "Can the child sound out this complicated word?"
in conjunction with; combined; "our salaries put together couldn't pay for the damage"; "we couldn't pay for the damages with all our salaries put together"
in collaboration or cooperation; "this paper was written jointly"