Exact Match:
- painter
- a line that is attached to the bow of a boat and used for tying up (as when docking or towing)
- an artist who paints
- a worker who is employed to cover objects with paint
- Bacon,
- Bellows,
- Benton,
- Botticelli,
- Boucher,
- Buffet,
- Cassatt,
- Chirico,
- Constable,
- Copley,
- Corot,
- Correggio,
- Courbet,
- Daumier,
- David,
- Degas,
- Delacroix,
- Dubuffet,
- Duchamp,
- Dufy,
- Eakins,
- El Greco,
- Ensor,
- Feininger,
- Fra Angelico,
- Fragonard,
- Friesz,
- Gainsborough,
- Gauguin,
- Gleizes,
- Goya,
- Graves,
- Greuze,
- Gris,
- Grosz,
- Hals,
- Hodler,
- Hogarth,
- Homer,
- Hopper,
- Ingres,
- Kent,
- Kirchner,
- Leger,
- Leo,
- Limburg,
- Lippi,
- Manet,
- Mantegna,
- Marc,
- Marin,
- Marquet,
- Masaccio,
- Masolino,
- Masson,
- Michelangelo,
- Millet,
- Mondrian,
- Monet,
- Moses,
- Munch,
- Murillo,
- Nolde,
- Orozco,
- Ozenfant,
- Picabia,
- Picasso,
- Pissarro,
- Poussin,
- Raphael,
- Redon,
- Rembrandt,
- Remington,
- Riley,
- Rivera,
- Romney,
- Rousseau,
- Ryder,
- Sargent,
- Siberian tiger,
- Titian,
- Turner,
- Vandyke,
- Whistler,
- Wood,
- aquarellist,
- bobcat,
- cat-a-mountain,
- catamount,
- cheetah,
- colorist,
- cougar,
- de Kooning,
- historical painter,
- jaguar,
- landscapist,
- leopard,
- lion,
- luminarist,
- luminist,
- lynx,
- marine painter,
- miniaturist,
- monochromist,
- mountain lion,
- ocelot,
- oil-colorist,
- panther,
- pavement artist,
- polychromist,
- portrait painter,
- portraitist,
- puma,
- scene painter,
- scenewright,
- scenographer,
- simba,
- still-life painter,
- tiger,
- watercolorist,
- wildcat