Exact Match:
- parley
- a negotiation between enemies
- discuss, as between enemies
- admonition,
- advice,
- advise with,
- advising,
- advocacy,
- audience,
- bargain,
- bargaining,
- bargaining session,
- briefing,
- call in,
- calumet,
- caution,
- caveat,
- collogue,
- colloquium,
- colloquy,
- compare notes,
- conclave,
- confab,
- confabulation,
- confer,
- confer with,
- conference,
- confrontation,
- congress,
- consult,
- consult with,
- consultation,
- convention,
- council,
- council fire,
- council of war,
- counsel,
- deal,
- deliberate,
- deliberation,
- dialogue,
- direction,
- discuss,
- discuss with,
- discussion,
- downing of arms,
- empty hands,
- exchange observations,
- exchange of views,
- exchange views,
- exhortation,
- expostulation,
- eyeball-to-eyeball encounter,
- flag of truce,
- guidance,
- hand of friendship,
- have conversations,
- high-level talk,
- hold conference,
- hortation,
- huddle,
- idea,
- instruction,
- interchange of views,
- interview,
- meeting,
- monition,
- negotiate,
- negotiations,
- news conference,
- offer of parley,
- olive branch,
- opinion,
- outstretched hand,
- palaver,
- peace feelers,
- peace offer,
- peace offering,
- peace pipe,
- pipe of peace,
- pourparler,
- powwow,
- press conference,
- propitiatory gift,
- proposal,
- put heads together,
- reason with,
- recommendation,
- refer to,
- remonstrance,
- seance,
- session,
- sit down together,
- sit down with,
- sitting,
- suggestion,
- summit,
- summit conference,
- summitry,
- take counsel,
- take up with,
- talk over,
- talks,
- thought,
- truce flag,
- warning,
- white flag