Exact Match:
- part
- something less than the whole of a human artifact; "the rear part of the house"; "glue the two parts together"
- a line of scalp that can be seen when sections of hair are combed in opposite directions; "his part was right in the middle"
- in so far as the actor specified is concerned; "it requires vigilance on our part"; "they resisted every effort on his part"
- one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBC's engineering division"
- the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music; "he tried to sing the tenor part"
- a portion of a natural object; "they analyzed the river into three parts"; "he needed a piece of granite"
- something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach"
- abrupt,
- absolute interest,
- accompaniment,
- actor,
- adjunct,
- after a fashion,
- airspace,
- alienate,
- allotment,
- allowance,
- alto,
- amount,
- anacrusis,
- antagonist,
- antihero,
- apportion,
- appreciably,
- appurtenance,
- area,
- arrangement,
- arrested,
- article,
- as for,
- as regards,
- aspect,
- at any rate,
- at best,
- at least,
- at most,
- at the least,
- at the most,
- at the outside,
- at worst,
- baritone,
- bass,
- bass passage,
- basso continuo,
- basso ostinato,
- bassus,
- batch,
- be lost,
- behalf,
- belt,
- benefit,
- big end,
- bigger half,
- bit,
- bit part,
- bite,
- bolt,
- book,
- bourdon,
- break up,
- bridge,
- broach,
- budget,
- bunch,
- burden,
- business,
- by,
- by and large,
- cadence,
- callow,
- canto,
- cantus,
- cantus figuratus,
- cantus planus,
- capacity,
- carve,
- carve up,
- cast,
- cast off,
- cast out,
- cause,
- cease to be,
- cease to live,
- census,
- chapter,
- character,
- chiefly,
- chink,
- chorus,
- chunk,
- circumstance,
- claim,
- clause,
- cleave,
- clutch,
- coda,
- coil,
- column,
- commission,
- common,
- comparatively,
- component,
- composition,
- condition,
- confines,
- constituent,
- constituents,
- content,
- contents,
- continental shelf,
- contingent,
- contingent interest,
- continuo,
- contralto,
- contribute to,
- copy,
- corner,
- corridor,
- count,
- country,
- crack,
- crevasse,
- cue,
- cut,
- cut adrift,
- cut off,
- cut open,
- cut out,
- cut up,
- deactivate,
- deal,
- debrief,
- decease,
- defective,
- deficient,
- delete,
- demob,
- demobilize,
- depart,
- depart this life,
- department,
- descant,
- destiny,
- detach,
- detail,
- detectably,
- development,
- die,
- disarticulate,
- disband,
- discharge,
- disconnect,
- disengage,
- disintegrate,
- disjoin,
- disjoint,
- dismiss,
- disorganize,
- dispart,
- dispel,
- disperse,
- dissociate,
- dissolve,
- district,
- disunite,
- divaricate,
- diverge,
- divide,
- divide into shares,
- divide up,
- divide with,
- dividend,
- division,
- divisions,
- divorce,
- divvy up,
- dole,
- dose,
- draft,
- drone,
- duty,
- easement,
- edition,
- eject,
- element,
- elements,
- embryonic,
- end,
- environs,
- equal share,
- equitable interest,
- equity,
- essentially,
- estate,
- estrange,
- expel,
- expire,
- exposition,
- faction,
- factor,
- failing,
- fairly,
- fall,
- fall asleep,
- fascicle,
- fat part,
- fate,
- feature,
- feeder,
- figure,
- figured bass,
- fissure,
- fixings,
- fly open,
- folderol,
- forgo,
- forsake,
- fractional,
- fragment,
- fragmentary,
- function,
- generally,
- give up,
- go,
- go away,
- go off,
- go out,
- go separate ways,
- gob,
- grant a divorce,
- grant an annulment,
- ground,
- ground bass,
- group,
- guts,
- half,
- halfway,
- halver,
- harmonic close,
- heap,
- heartland,
- heavy,
- helping,
- hero,
- heroine,
- hinterland,
- holding,
- hunk,
- hymnal,
- hymnbook,
- hypoplastic,
- immature,
- in a manner,
- in a way,
- in arrear,
- in arrears,
- in default,
- in part,
- in short supply,
- in some measure,
- in support of,
- in the main,
- inadequate,
- incise,
- incomplete,
- incompletely,
- index,
- infant,
- influence,
- ingenue,
- ingredient,
- ingredients,
- innards,
- insides,
- installment,
- instrumental score,
- integrant,
- interest,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- interspace,
- interval,
- introductory phrase,
- inventory,
- involvement,
- isolate,
- item,
- items,
- job,
- join in,
- keep apart,
- lacking,
- land,
- large amount,
- lay open,
- lead,
- lead role,
- leading lady,
- leading man,
- leading woman,
- leastwise,
- leave,
- let go,
- libretto,
- limitation,
- limited,
- line,
- lines,
- list,
- livraison,
- lot,
- lute tablature,
- mainly,
- make a space,
- makings,
- measure,
- meed,
- merely,
- mess,
- mildly,
- milieu,
- missing,
- moderately,
- modestly,
- modicum,
- moiety,
- mostly,
- movement,
- music,
- music paper,
- music roll,
- musical notation,
- musical phrase,
- musical score,
- musical sentence,
- muster out,
- needing,
- neighborhood,
- not comprehensively,
- not exhaustively,
- notation,
- number,
- obtain a divorce,
- office,
- offshore rights,
- on the whole,
- one-and-a-half,
- only,
- ope,
- open,
- open up,
- opera,
- opera score,
- orchestral score,
- ornament,
- pack,
- paragraph,
- parcel,
- part and parcel,
- part company,
- part with,
- partake of,
- partial,
- partially,
- participate in,
- participation,
- partition,
- partly,
- parts,
- party,
- pass,
- pass away,
- pass on,
- pass over,
- passage,
- patchy,
- percentage,
- period,
- perish,
- person,
- personage,
- phrase,
- piano score,
- piece,
- place,
- plain chant,
- plain song,
- portion,
- position,
- precincts,
- premises,
- prick song,
- principally,
- pro tanto,
- proportion,
- protagonist,
- province,
- pull apart,
- pull away,
- pull back,
- pull out,
- purely,
- purlieus,
- put apart,
- put asunder,
- put away,
- put off mortality,
- quality,
- quantity,
- quantum,
- quarter,
- quit this world,
- quota,
- rake-off,
- ration,
- refrain,
- region,
- relation,
- relatively,
- release,
- relinquish,
- remove,
- renounce,
- rent,
- resolution,
- response,
- responsibility,
- return to dust,
- rift,
- right,
- right of entry,
- rip,
- ritornello,
- rive,
- role,
- roll,
- run,
- sacrifice,
- salient,
- say,
- scant,
- scanty,
- scatter,
- score,
- scrap,
- scrappy,
- section,
- sectional,
- segment,
- segmental,
- segmentary,
- segregate,
- separate,
- sequester,
- serial,
- set apart,
- set aside,
- set at intervals,
- settlement,
- shard,
- share,
- share out,
- share with,
- sheet music,
- short,
- short score,
- shut off,
- shy,
- side,
- simply,
- sketchy,
- slice,
- slice the pie,
- slice up,
- slit,
- small amount,
- small share,
- so far,
- soil,
- some,
- somewhat,
- songbook,
- songster,
- soprano,
- soubrette,
- space,
- space out,
- specialty,
- split,
- split up,
- spread,
- spread out,
- spring open,
- stake,
- stand aloof,
- stand apart,
- stand aside,
- stanza,
- statement,
- status,
- step aside,
- stock,
- stop breathing,
- straight part,
- strain,
- strict settlement,
- strip,
- subtract,
- succumb,
- sue for divorce,
- sum,
- supporting character,
- supporting role,
- surrender,
- swing open,
- tablature,
- tailpiece,
- tap,
- tear,
- tear open,
- tenor,
- terrain,
- territory,
- text,
- thorough bass,
- three-mile limit,
- throw off,
- throw open,
- throw out,
- thus far,
- title,
- title role,
- to a degree,
- to some degree,
- to some extent,
- tolerably,
- transcript,
- transcription,
- treble,
- trust,
- tutti,
- tutti passage,
- twelve-mile limit,
- uncouple,
- underdeveloped,
- undersong,
- undeveloped,
- unit,
- unmarry,
- untie the knot,
- unyoke,
- up and die,
- use,
- usually,
- variation,
- verse,
- version,
- vested interest,
- vicinage,
- vicinity,
- villain,
- visibly,
- vocal score,
- voice,
- voice part,
- volume,
- walk-on,
- walking part,
- wanting,
- whole,
- withdraw,
- written music,
- yield,
- yield the ghost,
- zone