Exact Match:
- pass
- (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team; "the pass was fumbled"
- a flight or run by an aircraft over a target; "the plane turned to make a second pass"
- (American football) a play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate; "the coach sent in a passing play on third and long"
- a complementary (free) ticket; "the star got passes for his family"
- a permit to enter or leave a military installation; "he had to show his pass in order to get out"
- a document indicating permission to do something without restrictions; "the media representatives had special passes"
- any authorization to pass or go somewhere; "the pass to visit had a strict time limit"
- one complete cycle of operations (as by a computer); "it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass"
- a difficult juncture; "a pretty pass"; "matters came to a head yesterday"
- the location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks; "we got through the pass before it started to snow"
- a bad or difficult situation or state of affairs
- (military) a written leave of absence; "he had a pass for three days"
- travel past; "The sports car passed all the trucks"
- go across or through; "We passed the point where the police car had parked"; "A terrible thought went through his mind"
- cause to pass; "She passed around the plates"
- transfer to another; of rights or property; "Our house passed under his official control"
- place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"
- throw (a ball) to another player; "Smith passed"
- allow to go without comment or censure; "the insult passed as if unnoticed"
- go unchallenged; be approved; "The bill cleared the House"
- accept or judge as acceptable; "The teacher passed the student although he was weak"
- go successfully through a test or a selection process; "She passed the new Jersey Bar Exam and can practice law now"
- be identified, regarded, accepted, or mistaken for someone or something else; as by denying one's own ancestry or background; "He could pass as his twin brother"; "She passed as a White woman even though her grandfather was Black"
- OK,
- abalienate,
- abandon,
- abysm,
- abyss,
- accept,
- access,
- accredit,
- act like,
- administer,
- adopt,
- advance,
- affiliate,
- affirm,
- aggrandize,
- agree to,
- aisle,
- alien,
- alienate,
- alley,
- allow,
- ambulatory,
- amen,
- amortize,
- answer,
- ante,
- ante up,
- aperture,
- approach,
- approval,
- approve,
- arcade,
- arise,
- arroyo,
- artery,
- artful dodge,
- artifice,
- assign,
- attempt,
- authenticate,
- authority,
- authorization,
- authorize,
- autograph,
- avail,
- avenue,
- back,
- bag of tricks,
- barter,
- be all over,
- be annihilated,
- be at sea,
- be blooded,
- be consumed,
- be destroyed,
- be done for,
- be equal to,
- be found,
- be gone,
- be innocent of,
- be lost,
- be met with,
- be no more,
- be past,
- be realized,
- be regarded as,
- be successful,
- be wiped out,
- bear,
- bearings,
- beat,
- become extinct,
- become void,
- befall,
- bequeath,
- bestow,
- bestride,
- bet,
- bet on,
- betide,
- bill of health,
- bind,
- bite the dust,
- black out,
- blind,
- blink at,
- blow over,
- bluff,
- bosey,
- bottleneck,
- bottom,
- bottom glade,
- bottoms,
- bowl,
- box canyon,
- breach,
- break,
- breakers ahead,
- broadcast,
- buck,
- bypass,
- call,
- canal,
- canyon,
- cardhouse,
- carry,
- carry over,
- case,
- cash in,
- cast,
- catapult,
- catch,
- catch on,
- catch up with,
- cause for alarm,
- cavity,
- cease,
- cease to be,
- cease to exist,
- cease to live,
- cede,
- certify,
- change of pace,
- change-up,
- channel,
- chap,
- chasm,
- check,
- chicanery,
- chimney,
- chink,
- chouse,
- chuck,
- chunk,
- circulate,
- circumstance,
- clearance,
- cleft,
- cleuch,
- click,
- climacteric,
- cloister,
- close,
- clough,
- clutch,
- col,
- collapse,
- colonnade,
- come,
- come about,
- come across with,
- come along,
- come down,
- come off,
- come on,
- come through,
- come to naught,
- come to nothing,
- come to pass,
- come true,
- come up to,
- come up with,
- communicate,
- communication,
- commute,
- complication,
- complimentary ticket,
- condition,
- conduit,
- confer,
- confirm,
- conk out,
- connect,
- connection,
- consecrate to,
- consign,
- constitute,
- consume,
- contingency,
- continue,
- convergence of events,
- convey,
- coquet with,
- corridor,
- cosign,
- coulee,
- couloir,
- countersign,
- course,
- cover,
- cover ground,
- covered way,
- crack,
- cranny,
- crawl,
- creep,
- crevasse,
- crevice,
- crisis,
- critical juncture,
- critical point,
- croak,
- cross,
- crossroads,
- crucial period,
- cruise,
- crunch,
- crux,
- curve,
- curve-ball,
- cut,
- cwm,
- dabble,
- dale,
- danger,
- dangerous ground,
- dart,
- dash,
- deal,
- deal out,
- decease,
- declare,
- decline,
- decree,
- dedicate to,
- deed,
- deed over,
- defecate,
- defile,
- deliver,
- deliver over,
- dell,
- dematerialize,
- demise,
- depart,
- depart this life,
- deport,
- design,
- develop,
- device,
- devolve upon,
- devote,
- die,
- die away,
- die out,
- diffuse,
- dike,
- dingle,
- dirty deal,
- dirty trick,
- disappear,
- disburse,
- discharge,
- discontinue,
- discount,
- discount ticket,
- dismiss,
- dispel,
- dispense,
- disperse,
- dispose,
- disregard,
- disseminate,
- dissipate,
- dissolve,
- distance,
- distribute,
- ditch,
- do,
- do a fade-out,
- do it,
- dodge,
- dole,
- dole out,
- donga,
- downcurve,
- drag,
- draw,
- drift,
- drop,
- dwindle,
- effort,
- effuse,
- egest,
- elapse,
- elevate,
- eliminate,
- embarrassing position,
- embarrassment,
- embrace,
- emergency,
- emit,
- employ,
- enact,
- enact laws,
- end,
- endangerment,
- endeavor,
- endorse,
- endure,
- enfeoff,
- engage,
- ennoble,
- erode,
- espouse,
- estate,
- evacuate,
- evanesce,
- evaporate,
- eventuate,
- exalt,
- excavation,
- exceed,
- exchange,
- excrete,
- exigency,
- exit,
- expel,
- expend,
- expire,
- export,
- express,
- extend,
- extradite,
- extravasate,
- extremity,
- exudate,
- exude,
- fade,
- fade away,
- fade out,
- fail,
- faint,
- fall,
- fall asleep,
- fall out,
- fare,
- fare forth,
- farewell,
- fast deal,
- fastball,
- fault,
- feint,
- ferry,
- fetch,
- ficelle,
- filibuster,
- fill,
- fill the bill,
- fine how-do-you-do,
- fire,
- fissure,
- fix,
- flaw,
- flee,
- fleet,
- flight,
- fling,
- flip,
- flit,
- flow,
- flow on,
- flume,
- fly,
- footing,
- ford,
- forget,
- forgo,
- fork,
- fork over,
- forsake,
- forswear,
- forward,
- forward pass,
- fracture,
- free admission,
- free pass,
- free ticket,
- freedom,
- fritter away,
- fulfill,
- full pratique,
- furrow,
- gain ground,
- gain on,
- gain upon,
- gallery,
- gambit,
- gamble,
- gang,
- gap,
- gape,
- gaping chasm,
- gash,
- gather head,
- gathering clouds,
- get across,
- get ahead,
- get ahead of,
- get along,
- get by,
- get over,
- get the floor,
- get through,
- gill,
- gimmick,
- give,
- give in,
- give off,
- give out,
- give over,
- give over to,
- give permission,
- give the go-ahead,
- give the imprimatur,
- give thumbs up,
- give title to,
- give to,
- give up,
- give word,
- glen,
- glide,
- go,
- go across,
- go ahead,
- go along,
- go around,
- go as,
- go away,
- go beyond,
- go by,
- go fast,
- go forward,
- go great guns,
- go in for,
- go off,
- go on,
- go out,
- go over,
- go over big,
- go to town,
- go west,
- go-ahead,
- googly,
- gorge,
- graduate,
- green light,
- groove,
- grove,
- guest pass,
- gulch,
- gulf,
- gully,
- hack it,
- hand,
- hand down,
- hand forward,
- hand in,
- hand on,
- hand out,
- hand over,
- hap,
- happen,
- have it,
- have its time,
- have no idea,
- have run out,
- have the floor,
- hazard,
- heave,
- hell to pay,
- hide,
- hie,
- hinge,
- hobble,
- hocus-pocus,
- hold,
- hold the field,
- hold up,
- hole,
- home thrust,
- hot water,
- house of cards,
- how-do-you-do,
- hurl,
- hurtle,
- ignore,
- imbroglio,
- imitate,
- impart,
- imperilment,
- impersonate,
- import,
- improper suggestion,
- incision,
- incurve,
- indecent proposal,
- initial,
- inlet,
- instance,
- interchange,
- intersection,
- intervale,
- issue,
- isthmus,
- jab,
- jam,
- jeopardy,
- jerk,
- joint,
- joker,
- journey,
- juggle,
- junction,
- juncture,
- just do,
- keel over,
- kick the bucket,
- kick upstairs,
- kill,
- kloof,
- knight,
- know a little,
- know not,
- know not what,
- know nothing of,
- knuckleball,
- lance,
- lane,
- lap,
- lapse,
- last,
- lateral,
- lateral pass,
- launch,
- lay,
- lay a wager,
- lay down,
- leak,
- leave behind,
- leave no trace,
- leave standing,
- leave the scene,
- leave word,
- legislate,
- let fly,
- let go by,
- let pass,
- liberty,
- lie,
- lob,
- lobby through,
- location,
- log,
- logroll,
- lot,
- lunar rill,
- lunge,
- make a hit,
- make good time,
- make head against,
- make headway,
- make known,
- make nothing of,
- make over,
- make progress,
- make progress against,
- make strides,
- make the grade,
- make up leeway,
- masquerade as,
- measure out,
- meet,
- meet a bet,
- meet requirements,
- meet with success,
- melt,
- melt away,
- melt like snow,
- menace,
- mess,
- metastasize,
- metathesize,
- mete,
- mete out,
- mimic,
- mix,
- moat,
- modality,
- mode,
- morass,
- motion,
- move,
- move along,
- move forward,
- move on,
- narrow,
- narrows,
- neck,
- negotiate,
- not know,
- not rightly know,
- not understand,
- notarize,
- notch,
- nullah,
- occupy,
- occur,
- offer,
- okay,
- omit,
- opening,
- ordain,
- outcurve,
- outdistance,
- outdo,
- outgo,
- outlet,
- outmatch,
- outpace,
- outrun,
- outsail,
- outshine,
- outstrip,
- overhaul,
- overlook,
- overpass,
- overreach,
- overrun,
- overshoot,
- overshoot the mark,
- overstep,
- overstride,
- overtake,
- paper,
- parcel out,
- parlay,
- parlous straits,
- part,
- pass,
- pass along,
- pass around,
- pass as,
- pass away,
- pass by,
- pass for,
- pass muster,
- pass off,
- pass on,
- pass out,
- pass over,
- pass the buck,
- pass up,
- pass upon,
- passage,
- passageway,
- passport,
- pay out,
- peg,
- peg out,
- pelt,
- perfuse,
- peril,
- perish,
- permission,
- permit,
- peter out,
- pickle,
- pigeonhole,
- pinch,
- pitch,
- pitchfork,
- place,
- play,
- play against,
- pledge,
- plight,
- ploy,
- plunge,
- pocket,
- portico,
- portion out,
- pose as,
- position,
- posture,
- pratique,
- predicament,
- prefer,
- press on,
- pretend to be,
- pretty pass,
- pretty pickle,
- pretty predicament,
- prevail,
- proceed,
- progress,
- promote,
- pronounce,
- proposal,
- proposition,
- prosper,
- protection,
- punt,
- push,
- push on,
- put,
- put in,
- put in force,
- put off mortality,
- put the shot,
- put through,
- quagmire,
- qualify,
- quicksand,
- quit this world,
- railroad through,
- railroad tunnel,
- raise,
- rank,
- ratify,
- ravine,
- reach,
- refuse,
- reject,
- relay,
- render,
- renounce,
- rent,
- repair,
- report,
- request,
- resign,
- resolution,
- retire from sight,
- return to dust,
- rift,
- rime,
- rise,
- risk,
- road,
- rocks ahead,
- roll,
- roll logs,
- roll on,
- route,
- rub,
- rubber stamp,
- run,
- run its course,
- run on,
- run out,
- rupture,
- ruse,
- safe-conduct,
- safeguard,
- sanction,
- sashay,
- satisfy,
- say amen to,
- scheme,
- scissure,
- scrape,
- scratch the surface,
- screwball,
- scurvy trick,
- seal,
- seam,
- second,
- secrete,
- see,
- sell,
- send,
- send word,
- serve,
- serve the purpose,
- service,
- set forth,
- settle,
- settle on,
- sexual advance,
- share,
- share with,
- shift,
- shoot,
- shoot ahead of,
- shot-put,
- shy,
- sign,
- sign and seal,
- sign away,
- sign over,
- signal,
- sink,
- sink away,
- sinker,
- situation,
- skip,
- sleight,
- sleight of hand,
- sleight-of-hand trick,
- slide,
- slider,
- slight,
- sling,
- slip,
- slip away,
- slip by,
- slit,
- slot,
- slough,
- smatter,
- snap,
- spend,
- spitball,
- spitter,
- split,
- spoon out,
- spot,
- spread,
- spurn,
- squeeze,
- stab,
- stage,
- stake,
- stand,
- stand pat,
- stand the test,
- stand up,
- standing,
- state,
- state of affairs,
- station,
- status,
- steal a march,
- stem,
- step forward,
- step over,
- stew,
- sticky wicket,
- stop,
- stop breathing,
- storm clouds,
- straddle,
- strait,
- straits,
- stratagem,
- strath,
- stream,
- stretch,
- subscribe to,
- subterfuge,
- succeed,
- succumb,
- suffer an eclipse,
- suffice,
- suggestion,
- support,
- surmount,
- surpass,
- surrender,
- swamp,
- swear and affirm,
- swear to,
- sweep,
- swing,
- switch,
- swoon,
- table,
- take,
- take it,
- take place,
- take the floor,
- take up,
- tell,
- terminate,
- thin ice,
- threat,
- throat,
- throw,
- thrust,
- tight spot,
- tight squeeze,
- tightrope,
- tilt,
- tolerate,
- top,
- toss,
- toy with,
- trade,
- traject,
- trajet,
- transcend,
- transfer,
- transfer property,
- transfuse,
- transit,
- translate,
- translocate,
- transmit,
- transpire,
- transplace,
- transplant,
- transpose,
- transude,
- travel,
- trench,
- trial,
- trick,
- tricky spot,
- trough,
- try,
- tunnel,
- turn,
- turn down,
- turn over,
- turning,
- turning point,
- twofer,
- underpass,
- undersign,
- undertake,
- underwrite,
- unholy mess,
- up,
- up and die,
- upcurve,
- upgrade,
- urinate,
- use up,
- utter,
- vale,
- validate,
- valley,
- vanish,
- vanish from sight,
- veto,
- visa,
- vise,
- void,
- wadi,
- wager,
- waive,
- warrant,
- waste,
- waste away,
- way,
- wayfare,
- wear away,
- wear off,
- weep,
- wend,
- while,
- while away,
- wile,
- will,
- wonder,
- wonder whether,
- work,
- work well,
- work wonders,
- wot not of,
- yield the floor,
- yield the ghost,
- zero hour