form or compose; "This money is my only income"; "The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance"; "These constitute my entire belonging"; "The children made up the chorus"; "This sum represents my entire income for a year"; "These few men comprise his entire army"
a state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally); "the industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence"
send out real or metaphoric rays; "She radiates happiness"
issue or emerge in rays or waves; "Heat radiated from the metal box"
cause to be seen by emitting light as if in rays; "The sun is radiating"
extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center; "spokes radiate from the hub of the wheel"; "This plants radiates spines in all directions"
any clever maneuver; "he would stoop to any device to win a point"; "it was a great sales gimmick"; "a cheap promotions gimmick for greedy businessmen"
an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose; "the device is small enough to wear on your wrist"; "a device intended to conserve water"
an emblematic design (especially in heraldry); "he was recognized by the device on his shield"
any ornamental pattern or design (as in embroidery)
something in an artistic work designed to achieve a particular effect