Exact Match:
- presupposition
- the act of presupposing; a supposition made prior to having knowledge (as for the purpose of argument)
- a priori principle,
- act,
- affect,
- affirmation,
- allegory,
- allusion,
- apriorism,
- arcane meaning,
- assertion,
- assumed position,
- assumption,
- avant-propos,
- axiom,
- basis,
- beguile,
- belief,
- bluff,
- breakthrough,
- categorical proposition,
- coloration,
- conjecture,
- connotation,
- conviction,
- counterfeit,
- data,
- deceive,
- deduction,
- delude,
- exordium,
- fake,
- feign,
- first principles,
- forejudgment,
- foreword,
- foundation,
- front matter,
- frontispiece,
- ground,
- guess,
- guesswork,
- hint,
- hypothesis,
- hypothesis ad hoc,
- implication,
- implied meaning,
- import,
- inference,
- innovation,
- innuendo,
- intimation,
- introduction,
- ironic suggestion,
- judgment,
- leap,
- lemma,
- major premise,
- make believe,
- meaning,
- metaphorical sense,
- minor premise,
- mislead,
- nuance,
- occult meaning,
- opinion,
- overtone,
- overture,
- parti pris,
- philosopheme,
- philosophical proposition,
- posit,
- position,
- postulate,
- postulation,
- postulatum,
- preamble,
- preapprehension,
- preconception,
- preconclusion,
- preconsideration,
- predecision,
- predetermination,
- predilection,
- predisposition,
- preface,
- prefix,
- prefixture,
- prejudgment,
- prejudication,
- prejudice,
- preliminary,
- prelude,
- premature judgment,
- premise,
- prenotion,
- prepossession,
- presume,
- presumption,
- presupposal,
- presurmise,
- pretend,
- proem,
- profess,
- prolegomena,
- prolegomenon,
- prolepsis,
- prologue,
- proposition,
- propositional function,
- protasis,
- purport,
- put on,
- set of postulates,
- sham,
- simulate,
- statement,
- subsense,
- subsidiary sense,
- suggestion,
- sumption,
- supposal,
- suppose,
- supposing,
- supposition,
- surmise,
- symbolism,
- theorem,
- thesis,
- think,
- tinge,
- touch,
- truth table,
- truth-function,
- truth-value,
- undercurrent,
- undermeaning,
- undertone,
- verse,
- view,
- voluntary,
- working hypothesis