Exact Match:
- prompt
- (computer science) a symbol that appears on the computer screen to indicate that the computer is ready to receive a command
- a cue given to a performer (usually the beginning of the next line to be spoken); "the audience could hear his prompting"
- quick in apprehending or reacting; "a prompt (or ready) response"; "a prompt smile"
- serve as the inciting cause of; "She prompted me to call my relatives"
- assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned
- accordant,
- acquiescent,
- admonish,
- adumbrate,
- affect,
- affirmative,
- agile,
- agog,
- agreeable,
- agreeing,
- aide-memoire,
- alacritous,
- alert,
- alive,
- all agog,
- allude to,
- amenable,
- animated,
- anxious,
- approving,
- apt,
- ardent,
- argue into,
- arouse,
- assenting,
- attentive,
- avid,
- awake,
- awaken,
- bend,
- bias,
- breakneck,
- breathless,
- bright,
- bring,
- bring about,
- bring around,
- bring to recollection,
- brisk,
- broad hint,
- bursting to,
- cajole,
- call forth,
- call up,
- carry,
- carry back,
- cause,
- caution,
- charge,
- clue,
- coax,
- color,
- compliable,
- compliant,
- consentient,
- consenting,
- content,
- convince,
- cooperative,
- cue,
- cursory,
- dashing,
- decide,
- decisive,
- desirous,
- determine,
- dispatchful,
- dispose,
- disposed,
- docile,
- double-quick,
- draw,
- drop a hint,
- eager,
- eagle-winged,
- egg on,
- elicit,
- encourage,
- endorsing,
- engage,
- enjoin,
- enlist,
- enthusiastic,
- evoke,
- exhort,
- expeditious,
- expostulate,
- express,
- fain,
- fast,
- favorable,
- favorably disposed,
- favorably inclined,
- festinate,
- feverish,
- flapper,
- fleet,
- flying,
- forward,
- full of life,
- furious,
- galloping,
- game,
- gentle hint,
- gesture,
- get,
- get to do,
- give a hint,
- give rise to,
- give the cue,
- glance at,
- glimmer,
- glimmering,
- goad,
- hair-trigger,
- hasty,
- headlong,
- help,
- hint,
- hint at,
- hold the promptbook,
- hurried,
- hustling,
- immediate,
- impatient,
- impel,
- implication,
- imply,
- in the mind,
- in the mood,
- incite,
- incline,
- inclined,
- index,
- indicate,
- indication,
- induce,
- influence,
- inkling,
- innuendo,
- insinuate,
- insinuation,
- inspire,
- instant,
- instantaneous,
- interest in,
- intimate,
- intimation,
- issue a caveat,
- jog the memory,
- jogger,
- keen,
- kick,
- last-minute,
- lead,
- light of heel,
- light-footed,
- lively,
- look,
- lure,
- memorandum,
- mercurial,
- minded,
- motivate,
- move,
- muster up,
- nag,
- nimble,
- nimble-footed,
- nod,
- nothing loath,
- nudge,
- occasion,
- on the,
- on the alert,
- on the ball,
- on the job,
- on the spot,
- on time,
- panting,
- passing,
- permissive,
- persuade,
- pliant,
- preach,
- precipitate,
- predispose,
- predisposed,
- prevail,
- prevail on,
- prevail upon,
- prick,
- procure,
- prod,
- prompt the mind,
- prompter,
- prompting,
- prone,
- propel,
- provoke,
- punctual,
- put in mind,
- put in remembrance,
- qui vive,
- quick,
- quick as lightning,
- quick as thought,
- rapid,
- raring to,
- ratifying,
- ready,
- ready and willing,
- recall,
- receptive,
- reckless,
- remember,
- remembrance,
- remembrancer,
- remind,
- remind one of,
- reminder,
- remonstrate,
- responsive,
- rouse,
- running,
- sanctioning,
- scent,
- sharp,
- sic,
- sign,
- signal,
- slap-bang,
- slapdash,
- sleepless,
- smart,
- snap,
- snappy,
- soften up,
- spanking,
- speedy,
- spirited,
- spoor,
- spry,
- spur,
- stimulate,
- stimulus,
- submissive,
- suggest,
- suggestion,
- summary,
- summon up,
- superficial,
- suspicion,
- sway,
- swift,
- symptom,
- talk into,
- telltale,
- tempt,
- tickler,
- timely,
- tinge,
- tone,
- track,
- tractable,
- unblinking,
- ungrudging,
- unhesitating,
- unloath,
- unnodding,
- unrefusing,
- unreluctant,
- unsleeping,
- unwinking,
- urge,
- urgent,
- vigilant,
- vital,
- vivacious,
- vivid,
- wakeful,
- warn,
- watchful,
- wear down,
- weigh with,
- well-disposed,
- well-inclined,
- whisper,
- wide-awake,
- willed,
- willing,
- willinghearted,
- win over,
- winged,
- wink,
- work,
- zealous,
- zestful