Exact Match:
- put
- attribute or give; "She put too much emphasis on her the last statement"; "He put all his efforts into this job"; "The teacher put an interesting twist to the interpretation of the story"
- cause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation; "That song put me in awful good humor"
- put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point"
- adapt; "put these words to music"
- cause (someone) to undergo something; "He put her to the torture"
- Boeotian,
- affirm,
- air,
- allege,
- announce,
- annunciate,
- apply,
- approximate,
- argue,
- ascribe,
- assert,
- assess,
- assever,
- asseverate,
- assign,
- attach,
- attribute,
- aver,
- avouch,
- avow,
- block,
- blockhead,
- boob,
- bowl,
- burden with,
- buy in,
- buy into,
- call,
- cast,
- catapult,
- change of pace,
- change-up,
- charge,
- chuck,
- chunk,
- clod,
- conceive,
- concenter,
- concentrate,
- contend,
- couch,
- couch in terms,
- couched,
- curve,
- dart,
- dash,
- declare,
- demand,
- dimwit,
- dolt,
- donkey,
- dope,
- downcurve,
- dullard,
- dumb cluck,
- dumbbell,
- dummy,
- dunce,
- embody in words,
- enjoin,
- enunciate,
- establish,
- exact,
- express,
- expressed,
- fastball,
- fasten upon,
- financier,
- fire,
- fix,
- fixate,
- fling,
- flip,
- focus,
- fork,
- formularize,
- formulate,
- formulated,
- forward pass,
- frame,
- freight with,
- give,
- give expression to,
- give words to,
- gowk,
- have,
- heave,
- hold,
- hurl,
- hurtle,
- idiot,
- impose,
- impose on,
- impose upon,
- impute,
- incurve,
- inflict on,
- inflict upon,
- insist,
- invest,
- invest in,
- issue a manifesto,
- jerk,
- jobbernowl,
- judge,
- knuckleball,
- lackwit,
- lamebrain,
- lance,
- lateral,
- lateral pass,
- launch,
- lay,
- lay down,
- lay on,
- lay out money,
- let fly,
- levy,
- lightweight,
- lob,
- looby,
- loon,
- maintain,
- make an investment,
- manifesto,
- moron,
- niais,
- nincompoop,
- ninny,
- ninnyhammer,
- nitwit,
- noddy,
- option,
- outcurve,
- paragraph,
- park,
- pass,
- peg,
- pelt,
- phrase,
- phrased,
- pitch,
- pitchfork,
- place,
- plow back into,
- plunge,
- pose,
- posit,
- post,
- predicate,
- prefer,
- present,
- presented,
- proclaim,
- profess,
- pronounce,
- proposition,
- propound,
- protest,
- put and call,
- put down,
- put in words,
- put it,
- put on,
- put the shot,
- put upon,
- reckon,
- refer,
- reinvest,
- render,
- rhetorize,
- right,
- risk,
- rivet,
- saddle with,
- say,
- screwball,
- seat,
- serve,
- service,
- set,
- set down,
- set out,
- settle,
- shot-put,
- shy,
- simpleton,
- sink,
- sink money in,
- sinker,
- slider,
- sling,
- snap,
- speak,
- speak out,
- speak up,
- speculate,
- spitball,
- spitter,
- spread,
- stand for,
- stand on,
- state,
- station,
- stick,
- stock option,
- straddle,
- strap,
- strip,
- stupid,
- style,
- styled,
- subject to,
- submit,
- suggest,
- task,
- tax,
- thickwit,
- throw,
- tilt,
- toss,
- transpose,
- turn,
- upcurve,
- vent,
- ventilate,
- venture,
- weight down with,
- witling,
- word,
- worded,
- yoke with