Exact Match:
- put in
- make an application as for a job or funding; "We put in a grant to the NSF"
- devote (time, effort, etc.) to a task; "He put in three hours every day at the hospital"
- admit,
- alight,
- anoint,
- approach anchorage,
- barge in,
- base,
- be admitted,
- bear down on,
- bear down upon,
- bear up for,
- bear up to,
- bed,
- bestow,
- break in,
- breeze in,
- broadcast,
- build,
- build in,
- burst in,
- bust in,
- chair,
- chime in,
- chip in,
- close with,
- come barging in,
- come breezing in,
- come busting in,
- come in,
- come to land,
- comprise,
- consecrate to,
- consume,
- contain,
- creep in,
- cross the threshold,
- crowd in,
- crown,
- cut in,
- debark,
- debus,
- dedicate to,
- deplane,
- detrain,
- devote,
- dibble,
- disembark,
- disemplane,
- disseminate,
- dock,
- drill,
- drop anchor,
- drop in,
- ease in,
- edge in,
- embed,
- employ,
- enclose,
- enfold,
- enter,
- enthrone,
- establish,
- expend,
- fetch,
- fix,
- forest,
- found,
- gain admittance,
- get in,
- give over to,
- give to,
- go aboard,
- go alongside,
- go ashore,
- go in,
- go into,
- ground,
- have an entree,
- have an in,
- hop in,
- implant,
- inaugurate,
- include,
- induct,
- infuse,
- inject,
- inoculate,
- inseminate,
- insert,
- insinuate,
- install,
- instate,
- interject,
- internalize,
- interrupt,
- introduce,
- intromit,
- intrude,
- invest,
- irrupt,
- jam in,
- jump in,
- keep within,
- land,
- lay aboard,
- lay for,
- lay in,
- lay the foundation,
- lie in,
- look in,
- make,
- make a landfall,
- make at,
- make for,
- make land,
- make port,
- moor,
- pack in,
- pass,
- perfuse,
- pitch,
- place,
- place in office,
- plant,
- pop in,
- pot,
- press in,
- push in,
- put away for,
- put into port,
- put up,
- reach,
- reach land,
- reforest,
- reset,
- retimber,
- run for,
- sail for,
- scatter seed,
- seat,
- seed,
- seed down,
- seminate,
- set,
- set foot in,
- set in,
- set up,
- slip in,
- sow,
- sow broadcast,
- spend,
- squeeze in,
- stand for,
- steer toward,
- step in,
- stick in,
- surround,
- take in,
- throne,
- throw in,
- thrust in,
- tie up,
- transplant,
- tuck in,
- unboat,
- use up,
- vest,
- visit,
- wedge in,
- while,
- while away,
- whip in,
- wile,
- work in