Exact Match:
- put on
- add to something existing; "She put on a sun room"
- add to the odometer; "He put on 1,000 miles on this trip"
- apply to a surface; "She applied paint to the back of the house"; "Put on make-up!"
- carry out (performances); "They turned in a splendid effort"; "They turned in top jobs for the second straight game"
- put on the stove or ready for cooking; "put on the tea, please!"
- Parthian shot,
- accelerate,
- act,
- act a part,
- administer,
- affect,
- affectation,
- affected,
- affectedness,
- airs,
- airs and graces,
- apocryphal,
- apply,
- apply to,
- artificial,
- artificiality,
- assume,
- assumed,
- back answer,
- banter,
- barge in,
- bastard,
- be a gas,
- be a hit,
- befool,
- bestow,
- bet,
- bill,
- blanket,
- block,
- bluff,
- bogus,
- bomb,
- break in,
- break in upon,
- brummagem,
- burden with,
- burst in,
- butt in,
- canopy,
- caustic remark,
- chaff,
- change,
- charge,
- charge in,
- cheat,
- clinquant,
- cloak,
- clothe,
- cloud,
- colorable,
- colored,
- come between,
- comeback,
- cope,
- counterfeit,
- counterfeited,
- cover,
- cover up,
- cowl,
- crack,
- crack on,
- crash,
- crash in,
- crash the gates,
- creep in,
- crowd in,
- curtain,
- cut,
- cut in,
- cutting remark,
- deceit,
- deceive,
- deception,
- demand,
- dig,
- disguise,
- dissemble,
- dissimulate,
- distorted,
- do a bit,
- don,
- dose,
- dose with,
- dramatize,
- draw on,
- dress in,
- dressed up,
- dummy,
- dump,
- dupe,
- eclipse,
- edge in,
- elbow in,
- embellished,
- embroidered,
- encroach,
- enforce upon,
- engage,
- enjoin,
- entrench,
- ersatz,
- exact,
- facade,
- face,
- factitious,
- fail,
- fake,
- faked,
- fakement,
- false,
- false front,
- false show,
- falsified,
- fasten upon,
- feature,
- feign,
- feigned,
- feigned belief,
- fictitious,
- fictive,
- film,
- fleer,
- flop,
- flout,
- foist in,
- foist on,
- foolery,
- force,
- force upon,
- forgery,
- four-flush,
- frame-up,
- fraud,
- freight with,
- front,
- gain ground,
- gamble,
- game,
- gammon,
- garbled,
- get into,
- get on,
- gibe,
- gibing retort,
- give,
- give a boost,
- give a lift,
- gull,
- hasten,
- haze,
- headline,
- help up,
- hire,
- histrionize,
- hoax,
- hood,
- horn in,
- horse,
- humbug,
- hurry up,
- hypocrisy,
- hypocritical,
- illegitimate,
- image,
- imitation,
- impinge,
- impose,
- impose on,
- impose upon,
- impostor,
- infatuate,
- infiltrate,
- inflict on,
- inflict upon,
- infringe,
- insincerity,
- insinuate,
- interfere,
- interlope,
- interpose,
- intervene,
- intrude,
- invade,
- irrupt,
- jab,
- jape,
- jeer,
- jest,
- jive,
- joke,
- jolly,
- josh,
- junk,
- junky,
- kid,
- lay,
- lay on,
- lay over,
- leg-pull,
- let on,
- let on like,
- levy,
- look big,
- make a hit,
- make a pretense,
- make as if,
- make believe,
- make like,
- make out like,
- make-believe,
- man-made,
- mannered,
- mannerism,
- mantle,
- mask,
- masquerade,
- melodramatize,
- mere show,
- mete out to,
- mock,
- mount,
- muffle,
- needle,
- obduce,
- obscure,
- obtrude,
- occult,
- open,
- open a show,
- open the throttle,
- overact,
- overlay,
- overspread,
- parting shot,
- pass off on,
- pass the buck,
- paste,
- perverted,
- phony,
- pick up speed,
- pinchbeck,
- place,
- play,
- play a part,
- play a scene,
- play on,
- play possum,
- playact,
- pontificate,
- pose,
- posed,
- premiere,
- prescribe for,
- present,
- press in,
- presume upon,
- pretend,
- pretended,
- pretense,
- pretension,
- preview,
- produce,
- profess,
- prunes and prisms,
- pseudo,
- public image,
- pull,
- push in,
- put,
- put across,
- put down,
- put on airs,
- put on side,
- put on steam,
- put over,
- put upon,
- put-down,
- put-up job,
- putting on airs,
- quasi,
- queer,
- quicken,
- quip,
- race,
- rag,
- rally,
- razz,
- rev,
- rib,
- ride,
- rip-off,
- ritz it,
- roast,
- rude reproach,
- rush in,
- saddle with,
- scenarize,
- scoff,
- screen,
- scum,
- scurrility,
- self-styled,
- sell,
- set,
- set the stage,
- sham,
- shield,
- shift the blame,
- shift the responsibility,
- shoddy,
- short answer,
- show,
- simulacrum,
- simulate,
- simulated,
- slam,
- slap,
- slink in,
- slip in,
- slip on,
- smash in,
- sneak in,
- so-called,
- soi-disant,
- speed up,
- spoof,
- spread over,
- spurious,
- squeeze in,
- stage,
- stake,
- star,
- steal in,
- step on it,
- step up,
- storm in,
- strike,
- stultify,
- stylishness,
- subject to,
- succeed,
- superimpose,
- superpose,
- supposititious,
- swank,
- swell,
- swell it,
- swindle,
- swipe,
- synthetic,
- take advantage of,
- take on,
- task,
- taunt,
- tax,
- tease,
- theatricalize,
- throng in,
- thrust in,
- tin,
- tinsel,
- titivated,
- trench,
- trespass,
- try out,
- tug the heartstrings,
- twisted,
- twit,
- unauthentic,
- ungenuine,
- unnatural,
- unnaturalness,
- unreal,
- veil,
- verbal thrust,
- wager,
- warped,
- wear,
- weight down with,
- whited sepulcher,
- work in,
- work on,
- worm in,
- yoke with