Exact Match:
- put up
- provide; "The city has to put up half the required amount"
- make available for sale at an auction; "The dealer put up three of his most valuable paintings for auction"
- mount or put up; "put up a good fight"; "offer resistance"
- accommodate,
- accumulate,
- add to,
- aggrandize,
- amass,
- amplify,
- ante,
- ante up,
- as earnest,
- assemble,
- at stake,
- augment,
- backlog,
- base,
- bed,
- berth,
- bestow,
- billet,
- board,
- bond,
- boost,
- bottle,
- bottomry,
- broaden,
- build,
- build in,
- build up,
- bunk,
- can,
- cast,
- collect,
- compose,
- compound,
- concoct,
- concocted,
- construct,
- cooked-up,
- create,
- cumulate,
- cut out,
- cut-and-dried,
- cut-and-dry,
- deposit,
- deposited,
- designate,
- devise,
- do up,
- domicile,
- domiciliate,
- elaborate,
- elevate,
- enlarge,
- erect,
- escalate,
- establish,
- evolve,
- exalt,
- expand,
- extend,
- extrude,
- fabricate,
- fabricated,
- fabulous,
- fancied,
- fantasied,
- fantastic,
- fashion,
- fasten up,
- fatten,
- fictional,
- fictitious,
- figmental,
- fill out,
- fix,
- fixed,
- forge,
- forged,
- form,
- formulate,
- found,
- frame,
- fudge together,
- furnish accommodations,
- garner,
- garner up,
- gather into barns,
- get up,
- go bail,
- ground,
- hand over,
- handsel,
- hang,
- hang up,
- harbor,
- hatched,
- heap up,
- hide,
- hike,
- hike up,
- hoard,
- hoard up,
- hock,
- hold,
- hold forth,
- hold out,
- house,
- hut,
- hypothecate,
- impignorate,
- in hock,
- in pawn,
- in the bag,
- increase,
- indite,
- inflate,
- install,
- invented,
- invest,
- jack up,
- jar,
- jump,
- jump up,
- keep,
- lay down,
- lay the foundation,
- lay up,
- legendary,
- lengthen,
- lodge,
- made-up,
- make,
- make up,
- manufacture,
- manufactured,
- mature,
- maximize,
- mold,
- mortgage,
- mythical,
- name,
- name for office,
- nominate,
- offer,
- offer for sale,
- on deposit,
- on ice,
- packed,
- parlay,
- patch together,
- pawn,
- pawned,
- pay over,
- piece together,
- pile up,
- pitch,
- planned,
- plant,
- pledge,
- pledged,
- plotted,
- post,
- posted,
- pot,
- prearranged,
- preconcerted,
- precontrived,
- prefabricate,
- prefer,
- premeditated,
- preordered,
- prepare,
- present,
- produce,
- proffer,
- propose,
- put down,
- put in,
- put in hock,
- put in pawn,
- put together,
- put up,
- pyramid,
- quarter,
- raise,
- rear,
- rigged,
- room,
- run,
- run for office,
- run up,
- save,
- save up,
- schemed,
- seat,
- secrete,
- set,
- set up,
- set-up,
- shape,
- shelter,
- sling,
- spout,
- squirrel,
- squirrel away,
- stable,
- stacked,
- stake,
- staked,
- stock up,
- stockpile,
- store up,
- submit,
- suspend,
- tender,
- thicken,
- tin,
- treasure,
- treasure up,
- trumped-up,
- up,
- up the spout,
- uprear,
- vest,
- whomp up,
- write