Exact Match:
- refer
- think of, regard, or classify under a subsuming principle or with a general group or in relation to another; "This plant can be referred to a known species"
- send or direct for treatment, information, or a decision; "refer a patient to a specialist"; "refer a bill to a committee"
- have to do with or be relevant to; "There were lots of questions referring to her talk"; "My remark pertained to your earlier comments"
- account for,
- accredit,
- accredit with,
- accrete to,
- acknowledge,
- address to,
- advert,
- advert to,
- advise,
- advise with,
- affect,
- allude,
- allude to,
- answer to,
- appeal to,
- appertain to,
- apply,
- apply to,
- argue,
- ascribe to,
- ask,
- assign,
- assign to,
- attach to,
- attribute,
- attribute to,
- bargain,
- be construed as,
- be taken as,
- bear on,
- bear upon,
- belong to,
- bespeak,
- betoken,
- blame,
- blame for,
- blame on,
- blurt,
- blurt out,
- breathe,
- bring home to,
- bring into play,
- bring to attention,
- bring to notice,
- bring up,
- call attention to,
- call in,
- charge,
- charge on,
- charge to,
- check,
- cite,
- collogue,
- comment,
- commit,
- commune,
- compare notes,
- concern,
- confer,
- confer with,
- confess,
- connect,
- connect with,
- connote,
- consult,
- consult with,
- convert to use,
- correspond to,
- counsel,
- credit,
- credit with,
- cross-refer,
- cross-reference,
- deal with,
- deliberate,
- denominate,
- denote,
- designate,
- direct,
- direct attention to,
- direct to,
- discuss,
- discuss with,
- emblematize,
- enlist into service,
- exchange observations,
- exchange views,
- exclaim,
- fall back upon,
- fasten upon,
- father upon,
- figure,
- finger,
- fix on,
- fix upon,
- focus on,
- glance,
- go,
- hand in,
- hand over,
- hang on,
- have connection with,
- have conversations,
- have recourse to,
- hold conference,
- imply,
- import,
- impress,
- impute,
- impute to,
- indicate,
- inquire of,
- insert,
- instance,
- interest,
- interject,
- interpolate,
- introduce,
- invoke,
- involve,
- lay,
- lay to,
- let drop,
- let fall,
- liaise with,
- link with,
- look at,
- look to,
- make a cross-reference,
- make reference to,
- mean,
- mention,
- muse,
- name,
- negotiate,
- note,
- observe,
- opine,
- palaver,
- parley,
- pass on,
- pass over,
- pertain to,
- pick out,
- pin on,
- pinpoint,
- place upon,
- point at,
- point out,
- point to,
- powwow,
- put heads together,
- put in requisition,
- quote,
- reason with,
- recur,
- recur to,
- refer to,
- reference,
- reflect,
- regard,
- relate to,
- remark,
- repair,
- resort to,
- respect,
- revert to,
- run,
- saddle on,
- saddle with,
- say,
- select,
- send,
- set down to,
- settle upon,
- signify,
- sit down together,
- sit down with,
- speak,
- specify,
- spell,
- stand for,
- stigmatize,
- study,
- suggest,
- symbol,
- symbolize,
- take counsel,
- take note of,
- take to,
- take up with,
- talk over,
- talk to,
- tie in with,
- touch,
- touch on,
- touch upon,
- treat of,
- turn,
- turn to,
- turn to use,
- typify,
- use