Exact Match:
- relief
- the act of freeing a city or town that has been besieged; "he asked for troops for the relief of Atlanta"
- aid for the aged or indigent or handicapped; "he has been on relief for many years"
- assistance in time of difficulty; "the contributions provided some relief for the victims"
- sculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand out from the surrounding background
- the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced; "as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with relief"
- (law) redress awarded by a court; "was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury?"
- the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress); "he enjoyed his relief from responsibility"; "getting it off his conscience gave him some ease"
- ADC,
- CYSP sculpture,
- Medicaid,
- Medicare,
- abatement,
- agent,
- aid,
- aid and comfort,
- alimony,
- allayment,
- alleviation,
- allotment,
- allowance,
- alterative,
- alternate,
- alternative,
- anaglyph,
- anaglyptics,
- anaglyptography,
- analeptic,
- analogy,
- annuity,
- appeasement,
- architectural sculpture,
- assist,
- assistance,
- assuagement,
- assurance,
- auxiliaries,
- backup,
- balm,
- balsam,
- bas-relief,
- bellying,
- benefit,
- benevolence,
- boldness,
- bone-carving,
- boss,
- bounty,
- bout,
- break,
- bulging,
- cameo,
- cameo glass,
- casting,
- cavo-rilievo,
- ceroplastics,
- chance,
- change,
- changeling,
- chasing,
- clay sculpture,
- clemency,
- coffee break,
- comfort,
- commiseration,
- comparison,
- compassion,
- condolence,
- configuration,
- consolation,
- contour,
- contrast,
- copy,
- corrective,
- counterfeit,
- cradle-to-grave security,
- cure,
- cut glass,
- decorative sculpture,
- delineation,
- deliverance,
- depletion allowance,
- deputy,
- disburdening,
- disencumberment,
- dole,
- double,
- downtime,
- dummy,
- earth art,
- ease,
- easement,
- easing,
- elevation,
- embossing,
- embossment,
- eminence,
- encouragement,
- engraving,
- equal,
- equivalent,
- ersatz,
- exchange,
- excrescence,
- excrescency,
- extrusion,
- fake,
- favor,
- features,
- feeling,
- fellowship,
- figuration,
- figure,
- fill-in,
- financial assistance,
- forbearance,
- forgiveness,
- founding,
- framework,
- garden sculpture,
- gem-cutting,
- gestalt,
- ghost,
- ghostwriter,
- gibbosity,
- gibbousness,
- glass sculpture,
- glyph,
- glyptic,
- glyptograph,
- go,
- good offices,
- grace,
- grant,
- grant-in-aid,
- guaranteed annual income,
- guaranteed income,
- half time,
- half-time intermission,
- hand,
- healing agent,
- healing quality,
- health insurance,
- help,
- high relief,
- holiday,
- humanity,
- imitation,
- inning,
- innings,
- intaglio,
- intaglio rilevato,
- intaglio rilievo,
- interim,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- intermission,
- intermittence,
- interregnum,
- interruption,
- interval,
- ivory-carving,
- kindness,
- leniency,
- letup,
- liberation,
- lift,
- lightening,
- lineaments,
- lines,
- locum tenens,
- lost-wax process,
- low relief,
- lull,
- main features,
- makeshift,
- mask,
- medal,
- medallion,
- mercy,
- metal sculpture,
- metaphor,
- metonymy,
- ministration,
- ministry,
- mitigation,
- modeling,
- molding,
- mollification,
- monumental sculpture,
- next best thing,
- off-time,
- office,
- offices,
- old-age assistance,
- old-age insurance,
- opportunity,
- outline,
- paper sculpture,
- pardon,
- pathos,
- pause,
- pecuniary aid,
- pension,
- personnel,
- phony,
- pinch hitter,
- pity,
- place,
- plaquette,
- plaster casting,
- plastic art,
- plateau,
- point of repose,
- portrait sculpture,
- prescription,
- price support,
- profile,
- projection,
- prominence,
- protection,
- protrusion,
- protuberance,
- protuberancy,
- proxy,
- public assistance,
- public welfare,
- quarter,
- quiet spell,
- reassurance,
- receipt,
- recess,
- recipe,
- redress,
- reinforcements,
- release,
- relief-carving,
- relievo,
- remedial measure,
- remedy,
- remission,
- replacement,
- representative,
- reprieve,
- rescue,
- reserve forces,
- reserves,
- respite,
- resting point,
- restorative,
- retirement benefits,
- ringer,
- round,
- ruth,
- salience,
- salient,
- say,
- scholarship,
- sculptor,
- sculpture,
- sculptured glass,
- sculpturing,
- second string,
- secondary,
- self-pity,
- service,
- shapes,
- shell-carving,
- shred of comfort,
- sickness insurance,
- sign,
- silhouette,
- skeleton,
- social insurance,
- social security,
- social welfare,
- socialized medicine,
- softening,
- solace,
- solacement,
- sovereign remedy,
- spares,
- specific,
- specific remedy,
- spell,
- stand-in,
- state medicine,
- statuary,
- stipend,
- stone sculpture,
- stonecutting,
- sub,
- subsidization,
- subsidy,
- substituent,
- substitute,
- substitution,
- subvention,
- succedaneum,
- succor,
- superseder,
- supplanter,
- support,
- surrogate,
- symbol,
- sympathy,
- synecdoche,
- tax benefit,
- therapy,
- third string,
- time,
- time at bat,
- time off,
- time out,
- token,
- tournure,
- tuberosity,
- tuberousness,
- turn,
- unballasting,
- unburdening,
- understudy,
- unemployment compensation,
- unemployment insurance,
- unfreighting,
- unlading,
- unloading,
- unsaddling,
- untaxing,
- utility player,
- vacation,
- vicar,
- vice-president,
- vice-regent,
- welfare,
- welfare aid,
- welfare capitalism,
- welfare payments,
- welfare state,
- welfare statism,
- welfarism,
- whack,
- whittling,
- wire sculpture,
- womb-to-tomb security,
- wood carving,
- xyloglyphy