Exact Match:
- render
- a substance similar to stucco but exclusively applied to masonry walls
- cause to become; "The shot rendered her immobile"
- pass down; "render a verdict"; "deliver a judgment"
- coat with plastic or cement; "render the brick walls in the den"
- give or supply; "The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"; "This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"; "The estate renders some revenue for the family"
- give back; "render money"
- make over as a return; "They had to render the estate"
- English,
- abandon,
- abide by,
- abjure,
- accompany,
- accomplish,
- accord,
- achieve,
- adhere to,
- administer,
- administrate,
- afford,
- allot,
- allow,
- assimilate to,
- award,
- become,
- bestow,
- bestow on,
- bring about,
- bring off,
- bring to,
- bring to life,
- bring to pass,
- broadcast,
- carry out,
- carry through,
- catch a likeness,
- cede,
- change,
- change into,
- change over,
- character,
- characterize,
- chart,
- chord,
- circulate,
- clarify,
- colliquate,
- come across with,
- commit,
- communicate,
- compensate,
- complete,
- concentrate,
- concertize,
- confer,
- construe,
- convert,
- convey,
- create,
- deal,
- deal out,
- decipher,
- decoct,
- decode,
- defrost,
- delineate,
- deliver,
- deliver over,
- depict,
- describe,
- diagram,
- discharge,
- disgorge,
- dish out,
- dispense,
- dispense with,
- dispose of,
- disseminate,
- distill,
- distribute,
- do,
- do over,
- do to,
- do without,
- dole,
- dole out,
- donate,
- draw,
- drop,
- dump,
- effect,
- effectuate,
- enforce,
- essentialize,
- evoke,
- execute,
- explain,
- express,
- extend,
- extract,
- fee,
- fill out,
- flux,
- forgo,
- fork out,
- fork over,
- forswear,
- forward,
- fulfill,
- furnish,
- fuse,
- get across,
- get along without,
- get over,
- get rid of,
- gift,
- gift with,
- give,
- give away,
- give freely,
- give in,
- give out,
- give over,
- give up,
- give word,
- give words to,
- go and do,
- govern,
- grant,
- guerdon,
- hand,
- hand in,
- hand on,
- hand out,
- hand over,
- have done with,
- heap,
- help to,
- hit off,
- honor,
- image,
- impart,
- implement,
- indemnify,
- inflict,
- infuse,
- interpret,
- issue,
- kiss good-bye,
- lavish,
- leave word,
- let have,
- limn,
- make,
- make a sacrifice,
- make known,
- make music,
- make out,
- make over,
- map,
- melt,
- melt down,
- mete,
- mete out,
- naturalize,
- notate,
- observe,
- offer,
- outline,
- paint,
- part with,
- pass,
- pass along,
- pass on,
- pass out,
- pass over,
- pay,
- pay by installments,
- pay on,
- perform,
- perpetrate,
- picture,
- picturize,
- play,
- play by ear,
- portray,
- pour,
- prepay,
- present,
- press out,
- print,
- produce,
- proffer,
- promulgate,
- prosecute,
- provide,
- pull off,
- put,
- put in force,
- put through,
- quitclaim,
- rain,
- reach,
- realize,
- recant,
- recompense,
- reconvert,
- reduce to,
- refine,
- register,
- relinquish,
- remit,
- remunerate,
- render up,
- renounce,
- rephrase,
- report,
- represent,
- reproduce,
- resign,
- resolve into,
- restate,
- retract,
- return,
- reverse,
- reward,
- reword,
- rub,
- run,
- sacrifice,
- salary,
- satisfy,
- schematize,
- send,
- send word,
- serve,
- set forth,
- share,
- share with,
- shell out,
- shift,
- shower,
- signal,
- sketch,
- slip,
- smelt,
- snow,
- soak,
- spare,
- steep,
- surrender,
- swear off,
- switch,
- switch over,
- symbolize,
- symphonize,
- take a rubbing,
- take and do,
- tell,
- tender,
- thaw,
- throw up,
- trace,
- trace out,
- trace over,
- transact,
- transcribe,
- transfer,
- transform,
- translate,
- transliterate,
- transmit,
- transpose,
- turn,
- turn back,
- turn into,
- turn over,
- unfreeze,
- up and do,
- vacate,
- vouchsafe,
- waive,
- wreak,
- wring,
- wring out,
- write,
- yield