Exact Match:
- rendezvous
- a meeting planned at a certain time and place
- a place where people meet; "he was waiting for them at the rendezvous"
- meet at a rendezvous
- appointment,
- assemble,
- assemblee,
- assembly,
- assignation,
- assignation house,
- at home,
- ball,
- brawl,
- bunch,
- bunch up,
- caucus,
- clot,
- cluster,
- collect,
- colloquium,
- come together,
- commission,
- committee,
- conclave,
- concourse,
- congregate,
- congregation,
- congress,
- conventicle,
- convention,
- converge,
- convocation,
- copulate,
- council,
- couple,
- crowd,
- dance,
- date,
- diet,
- eisteddfod,
- festivity,
- fete,
- flock together,
- flow together,
- forgather,
- forgathering,
- forum,
- fuse,
- gang around,
- gang up,
- gather,
- gather around,
- gathering,
- get-together,
- hangout,
- haunt,
- herd together,
- hive,
- horde,
- housewarming,
- huddle,
- league,
- levee,
- link,
- love nest,
- mass,
- meet,
- meeting,
- meeting place,
- merge,
- mill,
- muster,
- panel,
- party,
- place of assignation,
- plenum,
- prom,
- purlieu,
- quorum,
- raise,
- rally,
- rally around,
- reception,
- seance,
- seethe,
- session,
- shindig,
- sit-in,
- sitting,
- soiree,
- stamping,
- stream,
- surge,
- swarm,
- symposium,
- synod,
- throng,
- tryst,
- turnout,
- unite