Exact Match:
- sculpture
- creating figures or designs in three dimensions
- a three-dimensional work of plastic art
- abstract art,
- art,
- art form,
- artist,
- arts and crafts,
- arts of design,
- assemble,
- autolithograph,
- be a printmaker,
- block out,
- bronze,
- bust,
- calligraphy,
- carve,
- carving,
- cast,
- cave art,
- ceramics,
- character,
- chase,
- chisel,
- conformation,
- crease,
- create,
- creation,
- cribble,
- crosshatch,
- cut,
- decoration,
- design,
- designing,
- doll,
- dolly,
- dummy,
- efform,
- efformation,
- enchase,
- engrave,
- engraving,
- etching,
- fantoccini,
- fashion,
- fashioning,
- figuration,
- figure,
- figurehead,
- figurine,
- fine arts,
- fix,
- folk art,
- forge,
- form,
- formalize,
- formation,
- formature,
- forming,
- found,
- frame,
- furrow,
- gingerbread man,
- graphic arts,
- grave,
- groove,
- group,
- hatch,
- head,
- hew,
- incise,
- inscribe,
- insculpture,
- knead,
- knock out,
- lay figure,
- lay out,
- lick into shape,
- line,
- lithograph,
- make prints,
- man of straw,
- manikin,
- mannequin,
- marble,
- marionette,
- mark,
- mint,
- mobile,
- model,
- modeling,
- mold,
- molding,
- monument,
- morphogenesis,
- morphogeny,
- photography,
- plastic art,
- portrait bust,
- primitive art,
- print,
- puppet,
- relief,
- rough out,
- roughcast,
- roughhew,
- scarecrow,
- score,
- scrape,
- scratch,
- sculp,
- sculpt,
- set,
- shape,
- shaping,
- snowman,
- solder,
- stabile,
- stamp,
- statuary,
- statue,
- statuette,
- stipple,
- tailor,
- terra cotta,
- the arts,
- thermoform,
- tool,
- wax figure,
- waxwork,
- weld,
- wood carving,
- work