Exact Match:
- show
- the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining; "a remarkable show of skill"
- a social event involving a public performance or entertainment; "they wanted to see some of the shows on Broadway"
- give evidence of, as of records; "The diary shows his distress that evening"
- finish third or better in a horse or dog race; "he bet $2 on number six to show"
- make visible or noticeable; "She showed her talent for cooking"; "Show me your etchings, please"
- be or become visible or noticeable; "His good upbringing really shows"; "The dirty side will show"
- show or demonstrate something to an interested audience; "She shows her dogs frequently"; "We will demo the new software in Washington"
- Grand Guignol,
- Passion play,
- Prospero,
- Tom show,
- accompany,
- accord,
- account for,
- acting,
- advertise,
- affect,
- affectation,
- affectedness,
- afford,
- afford proof of,
- air,
- airiness,
- airs,
- airs and graces,
- alibi,
- allege,
- allegorize,
- antimasque,
- apology,
- apparent character,
- appear,
- appearance,
- appearances,
- approve,
- argue,
- arise,
- array,
- arrive,
- artificiality,
- ascertain,
- attest,
- attitudinizing,
- audience success,
- authenticate,
- auto show,
- ballet,
- bare,
- bazaar,
- be conspicuous,
- be evident,
- be indicative of,
- be noticeable,
- be revealed,
- be seen,
- be significant of,
- be symptomatic of,
- be visible,
- bear out,
- become manifest,
- become visible,
- benefit,
- bespeak,
- bestow,
- betoken,
- betray,
- bill,
- blazon,
- blind,
- blow in,
- bluff,
- bluffing,
- boast,
- boat show,
- bomb,
- brag,
- brandish,
- bravura,
- break,
- break the seal,
- breathe,
- brilliancy,
- bring forth,
- bring forward,
- bring home to,
- bring into view,
- bring out,
- bring to light,
- bring to notice,
- broadcast drama,
- broaden the mind,
- burlesque show,
- catechize,
- certify,
- chance,
- characterization,
- characterize,
- charade,
- cheating,
- cinch,
- cine,
- cinema,
- civilize,
- clarify,
- clear up,
- cliff hanger,
- clinch,
- cloak,
- closet drama,
- color,
- coloring,
- come,
- come forth,
- come forward,
- come in sight,
- come out,
- come to hand,
- come to light,
- comedy drama,
- commercial complex,
- conduct,
- conduct to,
- confirm,
- connote,
- contrast,
- corroborate,
- cosmorama,
- cover,
- cover story,
- cover-up,
- crack,
- critical success,
- crop out,
- cyclorama,
- dangle,
- daring,
- dash,
- daytime serial,
- deal in,
- debut,
- deception,
- decipher,
- delusion,
- delusiveness,
- demonstrate,
- demonstration,
- demythologize,
- denominate,
- denomination,
- denotation,
- denote,
- depict,
- designation,
- determine,
- develop,
- device,
- dialogue,
- differentiate,
- differentiation,
- diorama,
- direct,
- direct to,
- disclose,
- disclosure,
- discover,
- disguise,
- dismask,
- display,
- disport,
- dissemblance,
- dissembling,
- dissimulation,
- divulge,
- documentary drama,
- drama,
- dramalogue,
- dramatic play,
- dramatic series,
- dramatics,
- dramatize,
- draw the veil,
- duodrama,
- duologue,
- eclat,
- eclipse,
- edify,
- effect,
- elucidate,
- embarrass,
- embody,
- emerge,
- emporium,
- enact,
- enactment,
- enlighten,
- entail,
- enter,
- entertainment,
- epic theater,
- escort,
- establish,
- etalage,
- euhemerize,
- evidence,
- evince,
- excuse,
- exemplify,
- exhibit,
- exhibition,
- exhibitionism,
- experimental theater,
- explain,
- explain away,
- explicate,
- expo,
- expose,
- expose to view,
- exposit,
- exposition,
- exposure,
- expound,
- express,
- expression,
- exteriors,
- external appearance,
- externals,
- extravaganza,
- facade,
- face,
- fade in,
- failure,
- fair,
- fakery,
- faking,
- fallaciousness,
- false air,
- false appearance,
- false front,
- false light,
- false show,
- falseness,
- falsity,
- fanfare,
- fanfaronade,
- farewell performance,
- feigned belief,
- feigning,
- feint,
- figure,
- film,
- fingering,
- fix,
- flair,
- flash,
- flaunt,
- flaunting,
- flea fair,
- flea market,
- flesh show,
- flick,
- flop,
- flourish,
- follow,
- follow from,
- four-flushing,
- fraud,
- front,
- furnish evidence,
- gasser,
- gaudiness,
- georama,
- get,
- get in,
- gilt,
- give away,
- give evidence,
- give indication of,
- give instruction,
- give lessons in,
- give reason for,
- give sign,
- give the meaning,
- give token,
- giveaway,
- glare,
- gloss,
- go to show,
- grandstand,
- ground,
- guide,
- guise,
- handle,
- happening,
- have a case,
- heave in sight,
- highlight,
- hint,
- histrionics,
- hit,
- hit show,
- hold good,
- hold water,
- humbug,
- humbuggery,
- hypocrisy,
- idealization,
- identification,
- identify,
- illuminate,
- illumine,
- illusionism,
- illusionist,
- illusiveness,
- illustrate,
- image,
- immateriality,
- impart,
- imply,
- imposture,
- impression,
- improvisational drama,
- incarnate,
- indicate,
- indication,
- indicativeness,
- inform,
- insincerity,
- instruct,
- involve,
- issue,
- issue forth,
- lame excuse,
- lay bare,
- lay open,
- lay out,
- lead,
- lead to,
- legitimate drama,
- let daylight in,
- let out,
- light show,
- likeness,
- locus standi,
- look forth,
- look-in,
- loom,
- loom large,
- magic,
- magic act,
- magic show,
- magician,
- make clear,
- make good,
- make known,
- make out,
- make plain,
- make the scene,
- manifest,
- manifestation,
- mannerism,
- mark,
- market,
- market overt,
- marketplace,
- mart,
- mask,
- masque,
- masquerade,
- materialize,
- mean,
- meaning,
- meet the gaze,
- melodrama,
- mere externals,
- mere show,
- meretriciousness,
- minstrel show,
- miracle,
- miracle play,
- monodrama,
- monologue,
- morality,
- morality play,
- mortify,
- motion picture,
- mount,
- moving picture,
- music drama,
- musical,
- musical revue,
- myriorama,
- mystery,
- mystery play,
- nail down,
- naming,
- note,
- occasion,
- offer,
- open,
- open market,
- open the eyes,
- open up,
- opening,
- opera,
- ostensible motive,
- ostent,
- ostentation,
- out,
- outcrop,
- outshine,
- outward appearance,
- outward show,
- overshadow,
- pageant,
- pageantry,
- panel show,
- panoply,
- panorama,
- pantomime,
- parade,
- pastoral,
- pastoral drama,
- peep out,
- perform,
- performance,
- phantasmagoria,
- photoplay,
- picking out,
- picture,
- picture show,
- piece,
- pilot,
- play,
- playacting,
- playlet,
- plaza,
- plead,
- point out to,
- point the way,
- point to,
- pointing,
- pointing out,
- pointing to,
- pomp,
- poor excuse,
- popularize,
- portray,
- pose,
- posing,
- posture,
- premiere,
- present,
- presentation,
- presentment,
- prestidigitation,
- pretense,
- pretension,
- pretentiousness,
- pretext,
- problem play,
- proclaim,
- produce,
- production,
- proffer,
- project,
- projection,
- protestation,
- prove,
- prove to be,
- prove true,
- prunes and prisms,
- psychedelic show,
- psychodrama,
- public image,
- public motive,
- put on,
- put right,
- put to shame,
- put-off,
- put-on,
- putting on airs,
- quiz show,
- radio drama,
- raise the curtain,
- rationalize,
- reach,
- read,
- rear its head,
- record,
- reeducate,
- refuge,
- register,
- remove all doubt,
- represent,
- representation,
- retrospective,
- reveal,
- review,
- revue,
- rialto,
- ring up,
- rise,
- roll out,
- route,
- say,
- school,
- screen,
- see,
- see the light,
- seeming,
- selection,
- sell,
- semblance,
- sensational play,
- serial,
- set at rest,
- set forth,
- set out,
- set right,
- set straight,
- settle,
- settle the matter,
- sham,
- sharpen the wits,
- shed light upon,
- shepherd,
- shifting scene,
- shine,
- shine out,
- shine through,
- shopping center,
- shopping mall,
- shopping plaza,
- shot,
- show forth,
- show how,
- show off,
- show signs of,
- show the way,
- show through,
- show up,
- showing,
- showing-off,
- sight,
- signalize,
- signification,
- signify,
- simplify,
- simulacrum,
- simulation,
- sitcom,
- situation comedy,
- sketch,
- skit,
- sleight of hand,
- smoke screen,
- soap,
- soap opera,
- sociodrama,
- solve,
- sorcerer,
- sorcery,
- speak for itself,
- speak volumes,
- specification,
- specious appearance,
- speciousness,
- spectacle,
- spell out,
- splash,
- splurge,
- sport,
- spotlight,
- spread,
- squeak,
- stage,
- stage play,
- stage presentation,
- stage show,
- staginess,
- stalking-horse,
- stand for,
- stand forth,
- stand out,
- staple,
- steer,
- straight drama,
- stratagem,
- stream forth,
- street market,
- strike the eye,
- strip bare,
- stylishness,
- submit,
- substantiate,
- subterfuge,
- success,
- suggest,
- suggestion,
- superficiality,
- supply,
- surface appearance,
- surface show,
- suspense drama,
- swagger,
- swan song,
- symbolize,
- symptomaticness,
- symptomatize,
- symptomize,
- tableau,
- tableau vivant,
- talk show,
- teach,
- teach a lesson,
- teach the rudiments,
- teleplay,
- television drama,
- television play,
- tell,
- tend to show,
- testify,
- theater of cruelty,
- theatrical performance,
- theatrics,
- throw light upon,
- time,
- token,
- total theater,
- trade fair,
- trick,
- trot out,
- tryout,
- turn up,
- unactuality,
- uncloak,
- uncover,
- undrape,
- unfold,
- unfolding,
- unfoldment,
- unfurl,
- unkennel,
- unlock,
- unmask,
- unnaturalness,
- unpack,
- unravel,
- unreality,
- unroll,
- unscreen,
- unsheathe,
- unshroud,
- unsubstantiality,
- unveil,
- unveiling,
- unwrap,
- upstage,
- usher,
- vain show,
- variety show,
- varnish,
- varnishing day,
- vaudeville,
- vaunt,
- vehicle,
- veil,
- veneer,
- verify,
- vernissage,
- wave,
- window dressing,
- word-of-mouth success,
- work