relaxed and leisurely; without hurry or haste; "people strolling about in an unhurried way"; "an unhurried walk"; "spoke in a calm and unhurried voice"
capable of accepting delay with equanimity; "was unhurried with the small children"
aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are; "a realistic description"; "a realistic view of the possibilities"; "a realistic appraisal of our chances"; "the actors tried to create a realistic portrayal of the Africans"
of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of realism; "a realistic system of thought"
having been learned or found or determined especially by investigation
characterized by great determination; "a struggle against a determined enemy"
determined or decided upon as by an authority; "date and place are already determined"; "the dictated terms of surrender"; "the time set for the launching"
devoting full strength and concentrated attention to; "made continued and determined efforts to find and destroy enemy headquarters"
characterized by courtesy and gracious good manners; "if a man be gracious and courteous to strangers it shows he is a citizen of the world"-Francis Bacon
exhibiting courtesy and politeness; "a nice gesture"