a pitch that is not in the strike zone; "he threw nine straight balls before the manager yanked him"
the game of baseball
round object that is hit or thrown or kicked in games; "the ball travelled 90 mph on his serve"; "the mayor threw out the first ball"; "the ball rolled into the corner pocket"
a spherical object used as a plaything; "he played with his rubber ball in the bathtub"
a more or less rounded anatomical body or mass; "the ball at the base of the thumb"; "he stood on the balls of his feet"
a lavish dance requiring formal attire
a compact mass; "a ball of mud caught him on the shoulder"
the people assembled at a lavish formal dance; "the ball was already emptying out before the fire alarm sounded"
United States comedienne best known as the star of a popular television program (1911-1989)
an object with a spherical shape; "a ball of fire"
form into a ball by winding or rolling; "ball wool"
the high value or worth of something; "her price is far above rubies"
value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something; "the cost in human life was enormous"; "the price of success is hard work"; "what price glory?"
a monetary reward for helping to catch a criminal; "the cattle thief has a price on his head"
United States operatic soprano (born 1927)
the amount of money needed to purchase something; "the price of gasoline"; "he got his new car on excellent terms"; "how much is the damage?"
cost of bribing someone; "they say that every politician has a price"
ascertain or learn the price of; "Have you priced personal computers lately?"
determine the price of; "The grocer priced his wares high"
(chess) the capture by both players (usually on consecutive moves) of pieces of equal value; "the endgame began after the exchange of queens"
(chess) gaining (or losing) a rook in return for a knight or bishop; "black lost the exchange"
reciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money especially the currencies of different countries; "he earns his living from the interchange of currency"
the act of giving something in return for something received; "deductible losses on sales or exchanges of property are allowable"
the act of changing one thing for another thing; "Adam was promised immortality in exchange for his disobedience"; "there was an exchange of prisoners"
a workplace for buying and selling; open only to members
a mutual expression of views (especially an unpleasant one); "they had a bitter exchange"
chemical process in which one atom or ion or group changes places with another
give to, and receive from, one another; "Would you change places with me?"; "We have been exchanging letters for a year"
hand over one and receive another, approximately equivalent; "exchange prisoners"; "exchange employees between branches of the company"
underestimate the real value or ability of; "Don't sell your students short--they are just shy and don't show off their knowledge"
sell securities or commodities or foreign currency that is not actually owned by the seller, who hopes to cover (buy back) the sold items at a lower price and thus to earn a profit