Exact Match:
- starboard
- the right side of a ship or aircraft to someone facing the bow or nose
- located on the right side of a ship or aircraft
- turn to the right, of helms or rudders
- Epistle side,
- astarboard,
- clockwise,
- conservative,
- decanal side,
- dexter,
- dextrad,
- dextral,
- dextrally,
- dextrocardial,
- dextrocerebral,
- dextrocular,
- dextrogyrate,
- dextrogyratory,
- dextropedal,
- dextrorotary,
- dextrorse,
- ease the helm,
- ease the rudder,
- larboard,
- off,
- on the right,
- port,
- reactionary,
- recto,
- right,
- right field,
- right hand,
- right side,
- right wing,
- right-hand,
- right-wing,
- right-winger,
- right-wingish,
- rightward,
- rightwardly,
- rightwards,
- starboard tack,
- to the right