Exact Match:
- statesmanlike
- marked by the qualities of or befitting a statesman; "a man of statesmanlike judgment"; "a statesmanlike solution of the present perplexities"-V.L.Parrington
- Daedalian,
- adept,
- adroit,
- apt,
- artistic,
- authoritative,
- bravura,
- brilliant,
- civic,
- clean,
- clever,
- coordinated,
- crack,
- crackerjack,
- cunning,
- cute,
- daedal,
- deft,
- dexterous,
- dextrous,
- diplomatic,
- excellent,
- expert,
- fancy,
- geopolitical,
- good,
- goodish,
- governmental,
- graceful,
- handy,
- ingenious,
- magisterial,
- masterful,
- masterly,
- neat,
- no mean,
- politic,
- political,
- politico-commercial,
- politico-diplomatic,
- politico-economic,
- politico-geographical,
- politico-judicial,
- politico-military,
- politico-moral,
- politico-religious,
- politico-scientific,
- politico-social,
- politico-theological,
- professional,
- proficient,
- quick,
- quite some,
- ready,
- resourceful,
- skillful,
- slick,
- some,
- statesmanly,
- stylish,
- suffragist,
- tactful,
- the compleat,
- the complete,
- virtuoso,
- well-done,
- workmanlike