Exact Match:
- stow
- fill by packing tightly; "stow the cart"
- bag,
- bank,
- barrel,
- bottle,
- box,
- bundle,
- bundle away,
- burden,
- cache,
- can,
- coffer,
- conceal,
- cram,
- crate,
- delay,
- deposit,
- file,
- fill,
- freight,
- heap,
- heap up,
- hide,
- hutch,
- jam,
- lade,
- lay aside,
- lay away,
- lay by,
- lay down,
- lay in,
- lay in store,
- load,
- lodge,
- mass,
- pack,
- pack away,
- pigeonhole,
- pile,
- place,
- pocket,
- postpone,
- push aside,
- put aside,
- put away,
- put in mothballs,
- reposit,
- reservoir,
- sack,
- salt away,
- salt down,
- secrete,
- set aside,
- set by,
- shelve,
- ship,
- sideline,
- stack,
- stash,
- store,
- store away,
- stow away,
- stow down,
- stuff,
- table,
- table the motion,
- warehouse,
- wedge