Exact Match:
- subaltern
- a British commissioned army officer below the rank of captain
- ADC,
- CO,
- OD,
- aide,
- aide-de-camp,
- brigadier,
- brigadier general,
- captain,
- chicken colonel,
- chief of staff,
- cog,
- colonel,
- commandant,
- commander,
- commander in chief,
- commanding officer,
- commissioned officer,
- common,
- commonality,
- commonalty,
- company officer,
- creature,
- demeaning,
- disadvantaged,
- exec,
- executive officer,
- field marshal,
- field officer,
- first lieutenant,
- five-star general,
- flunky,
- follower,
- four-star general,
- general,
- general officer,
- generalissimo,
- hoi polloi,
- humble,
- in the shade,
- inferior,
- infra dig,
- jemadar,
- junior,
- junior officer,
- less,
- lesser,
- lieutenant,
- lieutenant colonel,
- lieutenant general,
- lightweight,
- low,
- lower,
- lower class,
- lower orders,
- lowly,
- major,
- major general,
- marechal,
- marshal,
- masses,
- minor,
- modest,
- officer,
- one-star general,
- orderly officer,
- ordinary,
- pawn,
- poor relation,
- risaldar,
- scrub,
- second fiddle,
- second rank,
- second string,
- secondary,
- senior officer,
- servile,
- shavetail,
- sirdar,
- staff officer,
- sub,
- subahdar,
- subject,
- sublieutenant,
- subordinate,
- subservient,
- the Old Man,
- the brass,
- third rank,
- third string,
- third stringer,
- three-star general,
- top brass,
- two-star general,
- underling,
- underprivileged,
- understrapper,
- vulgar,
- yes-man