call to remembrance; keep alive the memory of someone or something, as in a ceremony; "We remembered the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz"; "Remember the dead of the First World War"
be or provide a memorial to a person or an event; "This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps"; "We memorialized the Dead"
mark by some ceremony or observation; "We marked the anniversary of his death"
a thin layer covering the surface of a liquid; "there was a thin skim of oil on the water"
used of milk and milk products from which the cream has been removed; "yogurt made with skim milk"; "she can drink skimmed milk but should avoid butter"
read superficially
remove from the surface; "skim cream from the surface of milk"
coat (a liquid) with a layer
cause to skip over a surface; "Skip a stone across the pond"
small and delicate; "she was an elfin creature--graceful and delicate"; "obsessed by things elfin and small"
suggestive of an elf in strangeness and otherworldliness; "thunderbolts quivered with elfin flares of heat lightning"; "the fey quality was there, the ability to see the moon at midday"- John Mason Brown
usually good-naturedly mischievous; "perpetrated a practical joke with elfin delight"; "elvish tricks"
relating to or made or done by or as if by an elf; "elfin bells"; "all the little creatures joined in the elfin dance"