Exact Match:
- transcendent
- beyond and outside the ordinary range of human experience or understanding; "philosophers...often explicitly reject the notion of any transcendent reality beyond thought...and claim to be concerned only with thought itself..."- W.P.Alston; "the unknowable mysteries of life"
- exceeding or surpassing usual limits especially in excellence
- Christlike,
- Christly,
- a cut above,
- above,
- absolute,
- accomplished,
- ahead,
- amorphous,
- ascendant,
- better,
- blind,
- boundless,
- capping,
- celestial,
- chosen,
- clear as mud,
- cloudy,
- consummate,
- dark,
- dim,
- distinguished,
- divine,
- eclipsing,
- eminent,
- empyrean,
- entire,
- eternal,
- exceeding,
- excellent,
- excelling,
- finer,
- finished,
- foggy,
- fuzzy,
- godlike,
- godly,
- greater,
- hazy,
- heavenly,
- higher,
- hypothetical,
- ideal,
- in ascendancy,
- in the ascendant,
- incarnate,
- incarnated,
- incomparable,
- indeterminate,
- indistinct,
- infinite,
- intact,
- intercessional,
- intercessive,
- made flesh,
- magnificent,
- major,
- marked,
- matchless,
- mediative,
- mediatory,
- misty,
- muddy,
- murky,
- nebulous,
- obscure,
- of choice,
- one up on,
- opaque,
- outstanding,
- over,
- paramount,
- peerless,
- perfect,
- preeminent,
- propitiative,
- propitiatory,
- rare,
- redemptive,
- rivaling,
- salvational,
- self-existent,
- shadowy,
- shapeless,
- sublime,
- super,
- superb,
- superhuman,
- superior,
- supernatural,
- supreme,
- surpassing,
- theoretical,
- topping,
- towering,
- transcendental,
- transcending,
- ultimate,
- unclear,
- unique,
- unmatchable,
- unparalleled,
- unplain,
- unsurpassable,
- upper,
- vague,
- whole