Exact Match:
- treadmill
- a job involving drudgery and confinement
- a mill that is powered by men or animals walking on a circular belt or climbing steps
- an exercise device consisting of an endless belt on which a person can walk or jog without changing place
- beat,
- beaten path,
- branks,
- broken record,
- bureaucracy,
- bureaucratism,
- chinoiserie,
- clockwork regularity,
- constancy,
- crank,
- cucking stool,
- daily grind,
- daily round,
- dingdong,
- dirty work,
- donkeywork,
- drone,
- drudgery,
- ducking stool,
- employment,
- even pace,
- even tenor,
- fag,
- fatigue,
- finger pillory,
- grind,
- groove,
- handiwork,
- handwork,
- humdrum,
- industry,
- invariability,
- irk,
- irksomeness,
- jog trot,
- labor,
- lick,
- lick of work,
- manual labor,
- moil,
- monologue,
- monotone,
- monotonousness,
- monotony,
- orderliness,
- pace,
- pillory,
- rat race,
- red tape,
- red-tapeism,
- regularity,
- rote,
- round,
- routine,
- run,
- rut,
- sameliness,
- sameness,
- scut work,
- singsong,
- slavery,
- smoothness,
- spadework,
- squirrel cage,
- stocks,
- stroke,
- stroke of work,
- sweat,
- task,
- tedium,
- the beaten track,
- the daily round,
- the round,
- the squirrel cage,
- the treadmill,
- the weary round,
- tiresome work,
- toil,
- track,
- travail,
- trebuchet,
- triangle,
- triangles,
- undeviation,
- undifferentiation,
- unvariation,
- wearisome sameness,
- well-worn groove,
- whipping post,
- wooden horse,
- work