Exact Match:
- upheave
- lift forcefully from beneath
- arise,
- ascend,
- boost,
- bring to ruin,
- bristle,
- buoy up,
- cast up,
- cock up,
- come up,
- condemn,
- confound,
- consume,
- curl upwards,
- damn,
- deal destruction,
- decimate,
- depredate,
- desolate,
- despoil,
- destroy,
- devastate,
- devour,
- dissolve,
- elevate,
- engorge,
- erect,
- escalate,
- get up,
- go up,
- gobble,
- gobble up,
- grow up,
- gut,
- gut with fire,
- havoc,
- heave,
- heft,
- heighten,
- heist,
- hike,
- hoick,
- hoist,
- hold up,
- incinerate,
- jerk up,
- jump up,
- knock up,
- lay in ruins,
- lay waste,
- levitate,
- lift,
- lift up,
- lob,
- loft,
- loom,
- mount,
- perk up,
- pitch,
- raise,
- raise aloft,
- raise up,
- ramp,
- ravage,
- rear,
- rear aloft,
- rear up,
- rise,
- rise up,
- ruin,
- ruinate,
- set up,
- shipwreck,
- sit bolt upright,
- sit up,
- sky,
- spiral,
- spire,
- stand up,
- stand upright,
- stick up,
- surge,
- swallow up,
- swarm up,
- sweep up,
- throw into disorder,
- throw up,
- tower,
- unleash destruction,
- unleash the hurricane,
- up,
- upbuoy,
- upcast,
- upend,
- upgo,
- upgrow,
- uphoist,
- uphold,
- uplift,
- upraise,
- uprear,
- upright,
- uprise,
- upspin,
- upstream,
- upsurge,
- upswarm,
- upthrow,
- upwind,
- vandalize,
- vaporize,
- waste,
- wrack,
- wreak havoc,
- wreck