Exact Match:
- Santa Claus
- the legendary patron saint of children
- Father Christmas,
- Kriss Kringle,
- Maecenas,
- Saint Nicholas,
- Saint Nick,
- Santa,
- almoner,
- almsgiver,
- angel,
- assignor,
- awarder,
- backer,
- bestower,
- cheerful giver,
- conferrer,
- consignor,
- contributor,
- donator,
- donor,
- fairy godmother,
- feoffor,
- financer,
- funder,
- giver,
- grantor,
- imparter,
- lady bountiful,
- patron,
- patroness,
- philanthropist,
- presenter,
- settler,
- subscriber,
- sugar daddy,
- supporter,
- testate,
- testator,
- testatrix,
- vouchsafer