Exact Match:
- a priori
- involving deductive reasoning from a general principle to a necessary effect; not supported by fact; "an a priori judgment"
- based on hypothesis or theory rather than experiment
- derived by logic, without observed facts
- a fortiori,
- a posteriori,
- analytic,
- back,
- backward,
- categorical,
- conditional,
- deducible,
- deductive,
- derivable,
- dialectic,
- discursive,
- dogmatic,
- early,
- enthymematic,
- epagogic,
- ex post facto,
- hypothetical,
- inductive,
- inferential,
- into the past,
- maieutic,
- reasoned,
- retroactive,
- retrospective,
- soritical,
- syllogistic,
- synthetic