Exact Match:
- accredit
- give credit for; "She was not properly credited in the program"
- grant credentials to; "The Regents officially recognized the new educational institution"; "recognize an academic degree"
- provide or send (envoys or embassadors) with official credentials
- OK,
- accept,
- account for,
- accredit with,
- accrete to,
- acknowledge,
- affirm,
- amen,
- apply to,
- approve,
- ascribe to,
- assign,
- assign to,
- attach to,
- attest,
- attribute,
- attribute to,
- authenticate,
- authorize,
- autograph,
- blame,
- blame for,
- blame on,
- bring home to,
- certify,
- charge,
- charge on,
- charge to,
- charter,
- commend,
- commission,
- commit,
- confess,
- confirm,
- connect with,
- consign,
- cosign,
- countersign,
- credit,
- credit with,
- delegate,
- depute,
- deputize,
- detach,
- detail,
- devolute,
- devolve,
- devolve upon,
- empower,
- enable,
- endorse,
- entrust,
- fasten upon,
- father upon,
- fix on,
- fix upon,
- give in charge,
- give permission,
- give the go-ahead,
- give the imprimatur,
- give thumbs up,
- hang on,
- impute,
- impute to,
- initial,
- introduce,
- lay,
- lay to,
- license,
- mission,
- notarize,
- pass,
- pass on,
- pass upon,
- permit,
- pin on,
- pinpoint,
- place upon,
- point to,
- post,
- present,
- ratify,
- recommend,
- refer,
- refer to,
- rubber stamp,
- saddle on,
- saddle with,
- sanction,
- say amen to,
- seal,
- second,
- send out,
- set down to,
- settle upon,
- sign,
- sign and seal,
- subscribe to,
- support,
- swear and affirm,
- swear to,
- transfer,
- undersign,
- underwrite,
- validate,
- visa,
- vise,
- vouch for,
- warrant