Exact Match:
- adaptation
- (physiology) the responsive adjustment of a sense organ (as the eye) to varying conditions (as of light)
- a written work (as a novel) that has been recast in a new form; "the play is an adaptation of a short novel"
- the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions)
- Nachtmusik,
- about-face,
- absolute music,
- accommodation,
- accord,
- accordance,
- acquiescence,
- adaption,
- adjusting,
- adjustment,
- agreement,
- air varie,
- aleatory,
- aleatory music,
- alignment,
- alteration,
- amelioration,
- apostasy,
- arrangement,
- assimilation,
- attunement,
- bearings,
- betterment,
- biological evolution,
- break,
- chamber music,
- chamber orchestra,
- change,
- change of heart,
- changeableness,
- coaptation,
- compliance,
- composition,
- conditioning,
- conformance,
- conformation other-direction,
- conformity,
- congruity,
- consistency,
- constructive change,
- continuity,
- conventionality,
- conversion,
- coordination,
- correspondence,
- defection,
- degeneration,
- degenerative change,
- descant,
- deterioration,
- deviation,
- difference,
- discontinuity,
- disorientation,
- divergence,
- diversification,
- diversion,
- diversity,
- electronic music,
- enablement,
- equipment,
- etude,
- exercise,
- fit,
- fitting,
- flexibility,
- flip-flop,
- furnishing,
- genesis,
- gradual change,
- harmonization,
- harmony,
- horotely,
- improvement,
- incidental music,
- instrumental music,
- instrumentation,
- integration,
- intonation,
- invention,
- keeping,
- line,
- malleability,
- melioration,
- mitigation,
- modification,
- modifying,
- modulation,
- natural selection,
- nocturne,
- obedience,
- observance,
- ontogenesis,
- ontogeny,
- opus,
- orchestration,
- orientation,
- orthodoxy,
- overthrow,
- phrasing,
- phylogenesis,
- phylogeny,
- physiogenesis,
- physiogeny,
- piece,
- pliancy,
- preparation,
- production,
- program music,
- qualification,
- radical change,
- re-creation,
- realignment,
- reconcilement,
- reconciliation,
- redesign,
- reform,
- reformation,
- regulation,
- remaking,
- renewal,
- reshaping,
- resolution,
- restructuring,
- reversal,
- revival,
- revivification,
- revolution,
- ricercar,
- score,
- setting,
- shift,
- solution,
- sonata,
- sonatina,
- squaring,
- strictness,
- string orchestra,
- string quartet,
- study,
- sudden change,
- suiting,
- suspension,
- switch,
- synchronization,
- tachytely,
- theme and variations,
- timing,
- tone painting,
- total change,
- traditionalism,
- transcription,
- transition,
- trio,
- tuning,
- turn,
- turnabout,
- uniformity,
- upheaval,
- variation,
- variety,
- violent change,
- work,
- worsening