open land usually with peaty soil covered with heather and bracken and moss
one of the Muslim people of north Africa; of mixed Arab and Berber descent; converted to Islam in the 8th century; conqueror of Spain in the 8th century
secure with cables or ropes; "moor the boat"
come into or dock at a wharf; "the big ship wharfed in the evening"
secure in or as if in a berth or dock; "tie up the boat"
without deviation; "the path leads directly to the lake"; "went direct to the office"
in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly; "he didn't answer directly"; "told me straight out"; "came out flat for less work and more pay"
without anyone or anything intervening; "these two factors are directly related"; "he was directly responsible"; "measured the physical properties directly"
capable or worthy of being perceived; "noticeable shadows under her eyes"; "noticeable for its vivid historical background"; "a noticeable lack of friendliness"
perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch; "skin with a tangible roughness"
(of especially business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value ; "tangible property like real estate"; "tangible assets such as machinery"
clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment; "the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields"; "evident hostility"; "manifest disapproval"; "patent advantages"; "made his meaning plain"; "it is plain that he is no reactionary"; "in plain view"
precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication; "explicit instructions"; "she made her wishes explicit"; "explicit sexual scenes"