Exact Match:
- arrangement
- the act of arranging and adapting a piece of music
- an organized structure for arranging or classifying; "he changed the arrangement of the topics"; "the facts were familiar but it was in the organization of them that he was original"; "he tried to understand their system of classification"
- an orderly grouping (of things or persons) considered as a unit; the result of arranging; "a flower arrangement"
- Nachtmusik,
- abatement of differences,
- absolute music,
- accommodation,
- accord,
- adaptation,
- adjunct,
- adjustment,
- adornment,
- affair,
- agreement,
- air varie,
- aleatory,
- aleatory music,
- alignment,
- analysis,
- anatomy,
- appointment,
- approach,
- architectonics,
- architecture,
- arrangement,
- arrangements,
- array,
- atmosphere,
- attack,
- balance,
- bargain,
- basic training,
- binding agreement,
- blind date,
- blueprint,
- blueprinting,
- bond,
- briefing,
- brushwork,
- build,
- building,
- calculation,
- canon form,
- cartel,
- cataloging,
- categorization,
- chamber music,
- chamber orchestra,
- charting,
- classification,
- clearing the decks,
- closing,
- codification,
- collective agreement,
- color,
- color patterns,
- combination,
- compact,
- composition,
- composition of differences,
- compromise,
- conception,
- concession,
- conclusion,
- concord,
- conformation,
- consortium,
- constitution,
- construction,
- contract,
- contract by deed,
- contract of record,
- contract quasi,
- contrivance,
- convention,
- cop-out,
- copy,
- covenant,
- covenant of indemnity,
- covenant of salt,
- creation,
- date,
- deal,
- debenture,
- debenture bond,
- decor,
- decoration,
- deed,
- deed of trust,
- deed poll,
- deployment,
- descant,
- desertion of principle,
- design,
- device,
- dicker,
- display,
- disposal,
- disposition,
- distribution,
- division,
- double date,
- draft,
- draftsmanship,
- edition,
- elaboration,
- electronic music,
- embellishment,
- emblazonment,
- emblazonry,
- embroidery,
- employment contract,
- engagement,
- engagement book,
- enterprise,
- envisagement,
- equipment,
- etude,
- evasion of responsibility,
- exercise,
- fabric,
- fabrication,
- familiarization,
- fashion,
- fashioning,
- figuring,
- filing,
- fixing,
- flourish,
- flower arrangement,
- foresight,
- forethought,
- forging,
- form,
- formal agreement,
- formal contract,
- format,
- formation,
- foundation,
- frame,
- fugue form,
- furniture arrangement,
- game,
- garnish,
- garnishment,
- garniture,
- getup,
- give-and-take,
- giving way,
- grading,
- graphing,
- ground plan,
- groundwork,
- group policy,
- grouping,
- guidelines,
- harmonization,
- harmony,
- hymnal,
- hymnbook,
- idea,
- illumination,
- implied contract,
- incidental music,
- indent,
- indenture,
- indexing,
- instrumental music,
- instrumental score,
- instrumentation,
- insurance policy,
- intention,
- interpretation,
- interview,
- intonation,
- invention,
- ironclad agreement,
- layout,
- legal agreement,
- legal contract,
- libretto,
- lied form,
- line,
- lineup,
- long-range plan,
- lute tablature,
- make,
- makeready,
- makeup,
- making,
- making ready,
- manufacture,
- mapping,
- marshaling,
- master plan,
- method,
- methodology,
- mobilization,
- model,
- modulation,
- mold,
- molding,
- mortgage deed,
- music,
- music paper,
- music roll,
- musical notation,
- musical score,
- mutual agreement,
- mutual concession,
- nocturne,
- notation,
- opera,
- opera score,
- operations research,
- opus,
- orchestral score,
- orchestration,
- order,
- ordering,
- organic structure,
- organism,
- organization,
- ornament,
- ornamentation,
- pact,
- paction,
- painterliness,
- parol contract,
- part,
- pattern,
- patterning,
- peace,
- perspective,
- phrasing,
- physique,
- piano score,
- piece,
- pigeonholing,
- placement,
- plan,
- planning,
- planning function,
- plans,
- policy,
- prearrangement,
- preliminaries,
- preliminary,
- preliminary act,
- preliminary step,
- prep,
- preparation,
- preparing,
- prepping,
- prerequisite,
- pretreatment,
- primary form,
- procedure,
- processing,
- production,
- program,
- program music,
- program of action,
- promise,
- promissory note,
- propaedeutic,
- proportion,
- protocol,
- provision,
- quiet,
- quietude,
- ranging,
- ranking,
- rating,
- rationalization,
- readying,
- recognizance,
- regularity,
- resolution,
- ricercar,
- rondo form,
- routine,
- schedule,
- schema,
- schematism,
- schematization,
- scheme,
- scheme of arrangement,
- score,
- sealing,
- sequence,
- set-up,
- setting,
- settlement,
- setup,
- shading,
- shadow,
- shape,
- shaping,
- sheet music,
- short score,
- signature,
- signing,
- solemnization,
- solution,
- sonata,
- sonata allegro,
- sonata form,
- sonatina,
- songbook,
- songster,
- sorting,
- spadework,
- special contract,
- specialty,
- specialty contract,
- stipulation,
- strategic plan,
- strategy,
- stratification,
- string orchestra,
- string quartet,
- structure,
- structuring,
- study,
- subdivision,
- surrender,
- suspension,
- symmetry,
- symphonic form,
- system,
- systematization,
- tablature,
- tabulation,
- tactical plan,
- tactics,
- taxonomy,
- technique,
- tectonics,
- terms,
- text,
- texture,
- the big picture,
- the picture,
- theme and variations,
- tissue,
- title deed,
- toccata form,
- tone,
- tone painting,
- training,
- tranquillity,
- transaction,
- transcript,
- transcription,
- treatment,
- trial,
- trim,
- trimming,
- trio,
- tryout,
- typology,
- understanding,
- uniformity,
- union contract,
- valid contract,
- values,
- variation,
- version,
- vocal score,
- wage contract,
- warm-up,
- warp and woof,
- way,
- weave,
- web,
- window dressing,
- work,
- working plan,
- written music,
- yielding