ask (for something); "He applied for a leave of absence"; "She applied for college"; "apply for a job"
refer (a word or name) to a person or thing; "He applied this racial slur to me!"
apply oneself to; "Please apply yourself to your homework"
be pertinent or relevant or applicable; "The same laws apply to you!"; "This theory holds for all irrational numbers"; "The same rules go for everyone"
the property of something that is great in magnitude; "it is cheaper to buy it in bulk"; "he received a mass of correspondence"; "the volume of exports"
look forward to the birth of a child; "She is expecting in March"
consider reasonable or due; "I'm expecting a full explanation as to why these files were destroyed"
regard something as probable or likely; "The meteorologists are expecting rain for tomorrow"
look forward to the probable occurrence of; "We were expecting a visit from our relatives"; "She is looking to a promotion"; "he is waiting to be drafted"