Exact Match:
- bless
- give a benediction to; "The dying man blessed his son"
- make the sign of the cross over someone in order to call on God for protection; consecrate
- confer prosperity or happiness on
- OK,
- accept,
- acknowledge,
- admire,
- adore,
- adulate,
- apotheosize,
- approve,
- approve of,
- arm,
- armor,
- beatify,
- belaud,
- bepraise,
- bless the Lord,
- bless with,
- blow up,
- boast of,
- brag about,
- canonize,
- celebrate,
- champion,
- cheer,
- cleanse,
- cloak,
- compass about,
- compliment,
- congratulate,
- consecrate,
- copyright,
- countenance,
- cover,
- credit,
- cross,
- cry up,
- cushion,
- dedicate,
- defend,
- deify,
- devote,
- dower,
- doxologize,
- emblazon,
- endorse,
- endow,
- endow with,
- enshrine,
- ensure,
- esteem,
- eulogize,
- exalt,
- extol,
- favor,
- favor with,
- felicitate,
- fence,
- fend,
- flatter,
- furnish,
- give,
- give benediction,
- give credit,
- give thanks,
- gladden,
- glorify,
- glorify the Lord,
- grace,
- grace with,
- gratulate,
- guarantee,
- guard,
- hallow,
- happify,
- harbor,
- haven,
- hero-worship,
- hold with,
- hymn,
- idolize,
- insure,
- invest,
- invoke benefits upon,
- keep,
- keep from harm,
- keep in countenance,
- laud,
- lay hands on,
- lionize,
- magnify,
- make acknowledgments of,
- make happy,
- make much of,
- make safe,
- nestle,
- offer thanks,
- overpraise,
- panegyrize,
- patent,
- pay tribute,
- police,
- porter aux nues,
- praise,
- praise God,
- protect,
- provide,
- puff,
- puff up,
- purify,
- recognize,
- register,
- rejoice with,
- render credit,
- render thanks,
- respect,
- return thanks,
- revere,
- ride shotgun for,
- safeguard,
- saint,
- salute,
- sanctify,
- sanction,
- screen,
- secure,
- set apart,
- settle on,
- settle upon,
- shelter,
- shield,
- shroud,
- sing praises,
- supply,
- take kindly to,
- thank,
- think well of,
- trumpet,
- underwrite,
- uphold,
- vest,
- vest with,
- view with favor